Bandwidth w/ Attaché 19.04.2018.DOT

Bandwidth w/ Attaché 19.04.2018.DOT
Francuska 6, Beograd

Bandwidth special, 19. aprila sa sjajnim Attaché!

Iza alijasa Attaché stoji mladi producent Adam Dabrovski iz Katovica u Poljskoj. Svoje muzičko putovanje započeo je 2010. godine.

Njegova muzika je rezultat njegovih različitih interesovanja i hobija kao što su istorija, sport, vojska… Attaché takođe pravi sopstvene video spotove za svoju muziku.

Attaché je svoj zapaženi proboj na muzičku scenu napravio kada je uradio remiks za traku „Prevision“ od producenta Viadrina u oktobru 2014. godine. Traka je dobila odlične kritike od strane publike i kolega producenata. Marcel Dettmann joj je dao najviše ocene, Andrew Weatherall puštao u svojim setovima, dok ju je i legendarni John Digweed uvrstio u jedan od svojih „Transitions“ mikseva.

U oktobru 2016. Godine kanal HATE je objavio njegovu traku „Pyongyang“ koja je za kratko vreme dobila preko 100 hiljada pregleda i zacementirala njegovu poziciju na modernoj Techno sceni.


Be.thereBandwidth special, April 19 with a great Attaché!

Behind Alli Attaché stands young producer Adam Dabrovski from Katowice in Poland. He started his musical journey in 2010.

His music is the result of his various interests and hobbies such as history, sports, the army … Attaché also makes his own video for his music.

Attaché made his notable breakthrough on the music scene when he made a remix for the band „Prevision“ by producer Viadrina in October 2014. The tape has received great criticism from the audience and colleagues of the producers. Marcel Dettmann gave her the highest marks, Andrew Weatherall was released in her sets, while legendary John Digweed included it in one of her „Transitions“ mixes.

In October 2016, the HATE channel released its „Pyongyang“ tape, which in a short time received over 100,000 reviews and cemented its position on the modern Techno scene.




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