20. april
Benjamin Fröhlich
Kristijan Molnar
Tokom protekle decenije, Benjamin Fröhlich je bio angažovan na sceni elektronske muzike na različite načine: počeo je tako što je organizovao žurke i ubrzo nakon toga otvorio sopstvenu prodavnicu ploča – Play Record. Zatim je produžio svoju ambiciju da zagospodari svetskim klubovima kroz svoje di-džej setove, kao i kroz etiketu Permanent Vacation koju je osnovao je zajedno sa svojim drugom Tom Bioly-em. Hitovi koji su takoreći definisali i postavili temelj ovog jedinstvenog žanra, bili su izdati od strane John Talabot-a, Todd Terje-a, Mano Le Tough-a, Tuff City Kids-a i mnogih drugih. Permanent Vacation ulazi u deceniju postojanja, nastavljajući sa snažnim radom kao i do sad. Proteklih godina Benjamin Frohlich se bavio i produkcijom – na osnovu dugogodišnjeg iskustva u di-džejingu i svoje ljubavi prema muzici, on sada dodatno istražuje svoje vizionarske ideje.Friday,
April 20
Benjamin Fröhlich
Kristijan Molnar
Over the past decade, Benjamin Fröhlich has been engaged in the electronic music scene in various ways: he began by organizing parties and shortly afterwards opened his own record store – Play Record. He then extended his ambition to win world clubs through his DJ sets, as well as through the Permanent Vacation label he founded along with his other Tom Bioly. The hits that defined and laid the foundations of this unique genre were released by John Talabot, Todd Terje, Mano Le Tough, Tuff City Kids and many others. Permanent Vacation enters the decade of existence, continuing with strong work as it has done so far. Over the past years, Benjamin Frohlich has also worked on production – based on years of experience in di-jane and his love of music, he is now exploring his visionary ideas further.