11. rođendan Crne kuće13.04.2018. CK13

11. rođendan Crne kuće13.04.2018. CK13
Vojvode Bojovića 13, Novi Sad
Novi SadSrbija

Pozivamo vas da zajedno proslavimo 11 godina postojanja i rada Crne kuće!

I za ovaj rođendan čeka vas muzički program, zvanično će biti otvorena i Galerija CK13, a spremamo i brojna iznenađenja.


17č Otvaranje letnje bašte

18č Izložba “Volumen” u Galeriji CK13

19.30č Otvorena kuhinja CK13 – Zajednička veganska večera

20.30č Modna revija Petak 13

21č Jugoton (ad hoc CK13 bend); Neke Face (ZR); Proleće (NS)

Ulaz na koncert je na bazi dobrovoljnih donacija kojima podržavate rad i razvoj programa Crne kuće.
Omladinski centar CK13 otvoren je 2007. godine kao alternativni i edukativni prostor, namenjen podsticaju i razvoju društvenog angažmana i političkog aktivizma mladih ljudi. Centar je zasnovan na principima samoorganizovanja i samoodrživosti, a prostor koriste i druge organizacije koje dele naše vrednosti.

S obzirom da živimo u vremenu u kom dominira snažna individualizacija i konzumerizam, a javne kuturne i omladinske politike se usmeravaju ka podršci kreativnim industrijama, preduzetništvu i spektakularnim događajima, uzurpirajući pri tom potencijalna mesta za izgradnju novih autonomnih prostora, sve su nam potrebniji nekomercijalni prostori društvenosti i otvorene strukture koje će ne samo omogućiti već i podsticati kolektivna iskustva i zajednički rad.

Galerija CK13
Postavkom dela Io Sivertsen “Before I Fall Asleep” tokom marta meseca počela je sa radom i Galerija CK13 kao izložbeni prostor otvoren za nove ili nedominantne umetničke i kustoske prakse. Programska orijentacija Galerije CK13 proizilazi iz specifične uloge koju ovaj prostor zauzima u široj organizaciji Omladinskog centra CK13. Radi se o prostoru za noćenje tj. rezidencijalni boravak gostujućih domaćih i inostranih umetnika, izvođača, predavača, aktivista. Pretvaranjem u galerijski prostor, a pri tome zadržavajući povremenu rezidencijalnu funkciju, prostor postaje u pravom smislu galerija – u smislu ‘prolaza’ (lat. galeria) – i postaje savremeno-umetnička i konceptualna upravo kao mesto intimizacije i ispitivanja estetskih i konceptualnih aspekata savremene umetnosti i uslova njenog stvaranja (pitanja prostora za život, prostora za noćenje, prostora za rad, prostora za izlaganje, prostora za mišljenje).

Povodom rođendana CK13 biće postavljena izložba “Volumen” – izložba plakata raznih programa održanih u CK13 u proteklih 11 godina rada – gde se plakat ne predstavlja kao forma javne inskripcije i informacije već kao ‘volumen’ prostora kulture.

Besplatna radnja
U Crnoj kući već nekoliko godina funkcioniše Besplatna radnja. Ovo je radnja u kojoj je novac bezvredan i koja se ne zasniva na profitu, već na poklanjanju, razmeni i deljenju. Nastala je kao odgovor na sveprisutnu hiperprodukciju i predstavlja alternativni ekonomski princip, sa ciljem da stare stvari ne završe u nekom kontejneru, već u nečijem ormanu, polici, sobi. Od prošlog leta u dvorištu Crne kuće instaliran je i Ormarić razmene koji funkcioniše po istom principu. U prethodnim godinama, makar jednom mesečno su se u CK13 organizovali Žur buvljaci, benefit bazari i CK-nd hand prodaja, a za rođendan spremamo horor modnu reviju, u kojoj učešće mogu uzeti svi posetioci, s tim što će jedini uslov biti to da odeća bude iz naše Besplatne radnje ili Ormarića razmene.

Otvorena kuinja CK13
Otvorena kuhinja je samoorganizovana, samoodrživa, aktivistička i veganska kuhinja koja funkcioniše kao kolektiv unutar Omladinskog centra CK13 zahvaljujući volonterskom angažmanu i vašim donacijama.
U Otvorenoj kuhinji pripremamo vegansku hranu, jer proizvodnja i upotreba životinjskih proizvoda kao što su meso, mleko i jaja podrazumeva porobljavanje, prisilno razmnožavanje, mučenje i egzekuciju životinja, eksploataciju prirode i zagađenje životne sredine. Pripremamo zajedničke večere sredom i kao priliku da se ljudi međusobno druže i upoznaju.
Događaj je namenjen svima koji žele da probaju raznolika veganska jela, da se priključe zajedničkoj pripremi veganske hrane, da saznaju više o veganstvu, susretnu se i razgovaraju sa ljudima sa kojima će sesti za isti sto.

U muzičkom delu programa nastupiće dobro poznati novosadski punk bendProleće (bend), kao i zrenjaninski ska sastav Neke Face.
U okviru rođendanske večeri nastupiće i Ad hoc CK13 bend Jugoton, koji će nas pre svega iznenaditi svojim repertoarom, zato dođite na vreme da ne biste ništa propustili!

Vidimo se u petak, 13. aprila!We invite you to celebrate 11 years of existence and work of the Black House together!

And for this birthday a musical program is waiting for you, the Gallery CK13 will be officially opened, and we will also prepare numerous surprises.


17h Opening of summer garden

18h Exhibition „Volume“ in Gallery CK13

19.30h Open kitchen CK13 – Joint vegan dinner

20.30h Fashion Show Friday 13

21h Jugoton (ad hoc CK13 band); Some Face (ZR); Spring (NS)

The entrance to the concert is based on voluntary donations that support the work and development of the Black House program.
The Youth Center CK13 was opened in 2007 as an alternative and educational space, intended to encourage and develop social engagement and political activism of young people. The Center is based on the principles of self-organization and self-sustainability, and the space is used by other organizations that share our values.

Given that we live in a time dominated by strong individualization and consumerism, and public policy and youth policies are directed to supporting creative industries, entrepreneurship and spectacular events, while usurping potential sites for the construction of new autonomous spaces, we all need more non-commercial spaces of sociability and open structures that will not only enable but also encourage collective experiences and work together.

Gallery CK13
By heading Io Sivertsen „Before I Fall Asleep“ in March, the CK13 Gallery opened as an exhibition space open to new or non-dominant artistic and curatorial practices. The program orientation of the CK13 stems from the specific role this space occupies in the wider organization of the Youth Center CK13. It is a room for a night, residential residence of visiting domestic and foreign artists, performers, lecturers, activists. By converting to the gallery space, while retaining the occasional residential function, the space becomes in the true sense of the gallery – in the sense of ‘passage’ (lat. Gallery) – and becomes contemporary, artistic and conceptual just as a place of intimation and examination of aesthetic and conceptual aspects of contemporary art and the conditions of its creation (issues of living space, space for a night, work space, exhibition space, space for opinion).

On the occasion of the birthday of CK13, the exhibition „Volumen“ will be exhibited – a poster of various programs held in CK13 in the past 11 years – where the poster does not present itself as a form of public inscription and information but as the ‘volume’ of the cultural space.

Free store
For a few years now, the Black House has been operating in the Free Store. This is an action in which money is worthless and is not based on profit, but on giving, exchanging and sharing. It was created in response to ubiquitous hyperproduction and represents an alternative economic principle, with the aim of not ending old things in a container, but in someone’s closet, shelf, room. Since last summer, in the yard of the Black House, an exchange cabinet has been installed that works according to the same principle. In previous years, at least once a month CK13 organized Žur buvljaci, benefit bazaar and CK-nd hand sales, and for the birthday we are preparing a horor fashion show, in which participation can be taken by all visitors, with the only condition being that the clothes be from our Free Store or Exchange Cabin Exchange.

Open kitchen CK13
Open kitchen is a self-organized, self-sustaining, activist and vegan cuisine that functions as a collective within the Youth Center CK13 thanks to volunteer engagement and your donations.
In the open kitchen, we prepare vegan food, as the production and use of animal products, such as meat, milk and eggs, includes enslavement, forced reproduction, torture and executions of animals, exploitation of the environment and pollution of the environment. We prepare joint evenings in the middle and as an opportunity for people to socialize and meet each other.
The event is intended for anyone who wants to taste a variety of vegan dishes, join in the preparation of vegan food, learn more about veganism, meet and talk to people with whom they will sit at the same table.

In the music part of the program will be performed well-known Novi Sad punk band Proleće (band), as well as Zrenjanin ska composition Neke Face.
Within the birthday evening, the Ad hoc CK13 band Jugoton will perform, which will surprise us first with their repertoire, so come on time in order for you to miss nothing!

I’ll see you on Friday, April 13th!


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