MORT 04.06.2018. Elektropionir

MORT 04.06.2018. Elektropionir
Cetinjska 15, Beograd

Odjel za žešće seli se u Elektropionir
Ponedeljak, 4. jun, 20:30
M.O.R.T. u Beogradu
Ulaznice: 500 dinara na ulazu

M.O.R.T. je beskompromisni punk – blues bend iz Sinja (Hrvatska), žestokog zvuka i živih nastupa. Kostur benda, John, Zvrk i Kikos, postoji još od jeseni 2003. godine.

Krajem 2012. godine dolazi sadašnji bubnjar Mile i tada snimaju prvi puni demo album ,,Vrhunsko dno ̋, koji je objavljen 2013. Od tada su održali brojne nastupe u Hrvatskoj, BiH, Sloveniji, Srbiji i Crnoj Gori; što samostalne, što na festivalima među kojima se ističe pobeda na banjalučkom Demofestu, pobeda na Rock Off-u, finale HR demo kluba 2012. i treće mesto na WHF-u 2013. godine.

2014. godine izlazi album ,,Odjel za žešće ̋ koji je pobrao odlične kritike, ujedno i epitet „albuma godine“ na portalima širom regiona.

Početkom 2015. godine bend je nominovan za nagradu PORIN u kategoriji novi izvođač. Treći album „Tužna kocka“ izašao je 2016. godine i još jednom su sve kritike dovele album u kategoriju albuma godine. „Tužna kocka“ je takođe nominovana za nagradu PORIN u kategoriji Rock album godine.

Bend je za svo to vreme na turneji: šire ludačku energiju i zaraznu muziku.

Ako ih do sada niste slušali, svratite u Elektropionir. Zaljubićete se u njih. M.O.R.T. je ipak jedan od najautentičnijih autorskih bendova na našim prostorima, za njihov prošli beogradski koncert održan u KC Grad tražila se karta više.The Torture Department moves to the Electropioner
Monday, June 4, 8:30 pm
М.О.Р.Т. In Belgrade
Tickets: 500 dinars at the entrance

М.О.Р.Т. is an uncompromising punk – blues band from Sinj (Croatia), fierce sound and live performances. Kostur Band, John, Zvrk and Kikos, has been in existence since autumn 2003.

At the end of 2012, the current drummer Mile comes and then records the first full-length album „Vrhunsko dno ̋“, which was released in 2013. Since then, they have performed numerous performances in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro; as independently, at festivals, among which the winners of the Demofest Banja Luka, the victory at Rock Off, the final of the HR demo club in 2012 and the third place at the WHF in 2013, will be announced.

In 2014, the album „The Thriller Department“ was released, which collected excellent reviews, as well as the album album of the year on the portals throughout the region.

In early 2015, the band was nominated for the PORIN award in the new performer category. The third album, „Sorrowful Cube,“ came out in 2016 and once again all the critics brought the album into the category of the album of the year. The „Sad Cube“ was also nominated for the PORIN Prize in the Rock Album of the Year.

The band is on tour all the time: wider crazy energy and addictive music.

If you have not listened to them so far, come to Elektropionir. You will fall in love with them. М.О.Р.Т. is one of the most authoritative bands in our region, for their last Belgrade concert held in KC Grad, there was a map for more.


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