David Garrett
U sklopu turneje „Explosive“ u Hrvatskoj 13. listopada nastupa svjetski priznati glazbenik, koji je vještinom i talentom osvojio koncertnu publiku diljem svijeta
Nakon zvijezda kao što su Rod Stewart, Andrea Bocelli i Andre Rieu, organizator Star Produkcija za jesen sprema nove glazbene poslastice! Prva na red stiže u listopadu, kada će u sklopu turneje Explosive u Zagrebu nastupiti njemačko-američki violinist David Garrett. Iako ovo nije njegov prvi nastup u Zagrebu, jedan od najpoznatijih glazbenika mlađe generacije prvi će put publici predstaviti novi glazbeni izričaj:
„Ono po čemu je Garrett najpoznatiji je kombinacija karizme rock zvijezde i fantastičnog talenta te ga često opisuju kao izvođača klasične glazbe koji zamagljuje granice između Mozarta i Metallice. Iznimno nam je drago što ćemo ga dovesti u Hrvatsku te ne sumnjamo da će domaća publika prepoznati čaroliju različitih glazbenih žanrova u izvedbi jednog impresivnog umjetnika“ – poručuje direktor Star produkcije Alen Ključe.
Nadimak „vražji violinist“ Garrett je zaslužio kako izvanrednom vještinom, tako i svojom izvedbom naslovne skladbe za biografski film o najslavnijem virtuozu na violini svih vremena Paganiniju. Od svog prvog nastupa s Hamburškom filharmonijom u dobi od samo 11 godina, kada mu je njemački predsjednik Richard von Weizsäcker poklonio prvu Stradivarius violinu, do danas prodao je više od tri milijuna albuma i diljem svijeta osvojio čak 23 zlatnih i 16 platinastih nagrada. U četvrt stoljeća karijere održao je više od 1500 koncerata, a među njegove vjerne obožavatelje ubrajaju se i britanska kraljica Elizabeta, bivši američki predsjednik Barack Obama, njemačka kancelarka Angela Merkel i mnogi drugi. Dva puta je uspio postaviti svjetski rekord u brzini sviranja violine – 2008. i 2010. godine u emisiji Guiness World Records za 66,56, odnosno 65.26 sekundi bez greške je odsvirao “Bumbarov let” Nikolaja Rimskog-Korsakova. Također je i slavljeni kompozitor – za album povodom aktualne turneje skladao je čak 11 vlastitih kompozicija.
Ovo su samo neke od najzanimljivijih činjenica iz života i karijere Davida Garretta. Uvjerite se u njegovu karizmu na licu mjesta i na vrijeme rezervirajte ulaznice za njegov zagrebački nastup! Ulaznice su u prodaji na www.eventim.hr.David Garrett
As part of the „Explosive“ tour in Croatia on October 13, a world-renowned musician is performing, who with skill and talent won the concert audience around the world
After stars such as Rod Stewart, Andrea Bocelli and Andre Rieu, the Star Production Autumn Festival organizes new musical treats! The first to come in October, when the German-American violinist David Garrett will perform as part of the Explosive tour in Zagreb. Although this is not his first performance in Zagreb, one of the most famous musicians of the younger generation will present the new musical expression to the audience for the first time:
„What makes Garrett best known is the combination of the charismatic rock star and fantastic talent, and often describe him as a classical music artist who blurs the boundaries between Mozart and Metallica. We are extremely pleased to bring him to Croatia, and we do not doubt that the local audience will recognize the magic of various musical genres in the performance of an impressive artist „- says director of Star Production Alen Ključe.
Garrett earned the nickname „Devil’s violinist“ as an extraordinary skill, as well as his performance of the title song for a biographical film about the most famous virtuoso on the violin of all time Paganini. Since his first appearance with the Hamburg Philharmonic at the age of only 11, when German President Richard von Weizsäcker donated his first Stradivarius violin, he has sold more than three million albums to date and has won as many as 23 gold and 16 platinum awards worldwide. In the quarter-century of his career he has held more than 1500 concerts, and among his faithful fans include British Queen Elizabeth, former US President Barack Obama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and many others. Twice he managed to set the world record at the speed of violin playing – in 2008 and 2010 Guiness World Records for 66.56, or 65.26 seconds, was defeated by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s „Bumber flight“. He is also a celebrated composer – he composed as many as 11 of his own compositions for the album on the occasion of the current tour.
These are just some of the most interesting facts from the life and career of David Garrett. Make sure that his charisma is on-site and book tickets in time for his Zagreb performance! Tickets are available at www.eventim.hr.