Drugi „Arhangel Fest“ biće održan 25. i 26.maja na Dunavskom keju u Grockoj!
PETAK, 25.maj:
Dusi Bgd
Posno Prase Oficijalna stranica
Contaminated Mind
Zla Prilika
SUBOTA, 26.maj
Bolesna Štenad
Hunting Souls
San debelih žena
Doručak na Travi
Mokri Asfalt
NAVY ne obećava
Fulsh ideals.
Sledeći naše principe i srce u ljubavi prema motociklizmu i muzici, imali smo priliku da za sve ljubitelje rock’n’roll, punk i heavy metal zvuka organizujemo prvi rock i moto događaj “Arhangel fest” koji je u avgustu 2017.godine održan na teritoriji i pod pokroviteljstvom opštine Grocka, u delu Beograda gde je MK Arhangel Srbija i osnovan, sad već davne 1992.godine.
Sama lokacija “Arhangel festa“ je u nama probudila osećaj tradicije i doslednosti idealima koje MK Arhangel Srbija predstavlja za sve članove ovog moto kluba. Tu tradiciju i ideale želimo da delimo sa svim dobronamernim ljudima. Druženje u prijatnoj atmosferi, razvijanje veza među istomišljenicima, motociklizam, muzika, a sve to spojeno u jedno, ta dva prolećna dana, na Dunavskom keju u Grockoj, je ono sto propagiramo.
Kako smo prošle godine ugostili nekoliko hiljada ljubitelja muzike, ali i benzina i zvuka motora, ove godine smo rešili da događaj podignemo na jedan, za nas, viši nivo.
Ukoliko budete posetili rock moto „Arhangel fest“, bicete svedoci visokog stepena organizacije jednog moto rock događaja na kome ćete moći da pronađete sve potrebne elemente koji će učiniti da se osećate kao kod kuće. Organizovan je prostor za kamp, parking, organizovano je obezbeđenje i dotok vode, kao i prateća infrastruktura koja obezbeđuje higijenu i apsolutnu sigurnost događaja.
Moto klub Arhangel Srbija ima za cilj da podigne standard održavanja moto rock događaja i širi osnovna načela moto kluba, a to su: porodica, posao, prijatelji, postovanje, čast i motociklizam.
Budite deo ARHANGEL FESTA i posetite nas 25. i 26.maja na Dunavskom keju u Grockoj!The second „Arhangel Fest“ will be held on 25 and 26 May at the Danube Quay in Grocka!
FRIDAY, May 25:
Dusi Bgd
Posno Prase Official site
Contaminated Mind
Evil Opportunity
SATURDAY, May 26th
Bolesna Štenad
Hunting Souls
San fat women
Breakfast on the Grass
Wet Asphalt
NAVY does not promise
Fulsh ideals.
Following our principles and heart in love for motorcycling and music, we had the opportunity to organize for all fans of rock’n’roll, punk and heavy metal sounds the first rock and motorcycle event „Arhangel fest“ held in August 2017 in the territory and under the auspices of the municipality of Grocka, in the part of Belgrade, where MK Arhangel Serbia was founded, now in 1992.
The location of „Arhangel festa“ has awakened in us a sense of tradition and consistency with the ideals that MK Arhangel Serbia represents for all members of this motor club. We want to share this tradition and ideals with all well-meaning people. , music, and all of it connected into one, that two spring days, on the Danube quay in Grocka, is what we propagate.
As last year we hosted several thousand fans of music, but also gasoline and engine sounds, this year we decided to raise the event to one, for us, a higher level.
If you go to the rock motto „Arhangel fest“, you will witness the high level of organization of a moto rock event where you will be able to find all the necessary elements that will make you feel at home. Campsite, parking is organized, water security and water supply is organized, as well as the accompanying infrastructure that ensures hygiene and absolute security of the event.
The club club Arhangel Srbija aims to raise the standard of motorcycle events and broaden the basic principles of the motorcycle club: family, work, friends, respect, honor and motorcycling.
Be part of the ARHANGEL FEST and visit us on 25 and 26 May at the Danube Quay in Grocka!