Nije dan zaljubljenih nego sveti Trifun, nije nego je dan zaljubljenih, potpuno je nebitno, bitno je da Bad Copy imaju koncert na koji ćeš ti da dođeš 14. februara!
Cene ulaznica:
400 RSD prvih 100
600 RSD pretprodaja
800 RSD na dan koncerta na ulazu u SubBeerni Centar
Prodajna mesta:
U pretprodaji OUR PUB (Beogradska 71) i Sikarica (Skadarska 22).
SubBeeramo se u Cetinjskoj 15 na izvoru muzike i piva! 🍻It’s not a day in love with Saint Trifun, it’s not a Valentine’s day, it’s completely irrelevant, it’s important that Bad Copy have a concert that will be on February 14th!
Ticket prices:
400 RSD the first 100
600 RSD pre-sale
800 RSD on the day of the concert at the entrance to the SubBeer Center
Selling places:
Pre-sale of OUR PUB (Belgrade 71) and Sikarica (Skadarska 22).
We will be playing in Cetinje 15 at the source of music and beer! 🍻