Billy Idol 30.06.2018.Gitarijada Zajecar

Billy Idol 30.06.2018.Gitarijada Zajecar

Billy Idol Live! Gitarijada Zajecar 30 Jun 2018! Ulaz Besplatan!

Organizovan Prevoz Iz Beograda Povratak Posle Koncerta.
Informacije I Rezervacije Na:

Povratne karte:
1.500 din – specijalna akcija samo do 15. februara
2.000 din – od 16. februara do 1. juna
2.500 din – od 2. juna

Broj mesta je ograničen, požurite sa rezervacijama!

Ulaz na Gitarijadu i korišćenje rock kampa su besplatni.

Zaječarska Gitarijada, koja će biti održana od 28. do 30. juna 2018. godine, nastavlja sa tradicijom dovođenja sve većih svetskih zvezda.

Prema rečima gradonačelnika Zaječara, Boška Ničića, headliner 52. Gitarijade u Zaječaru je čuveni britanski roker Billy Idol, koji će nastupiti 30. juna.

Idol, koji je prešao trnoviti put od punk pionira do mega zvezde, smatra se jednim od najtraženijih izvođača kada su turneje u pitanju – svaki njegov koncert rasprodat je mesecima unapred, bez obzira na teritoriju na kojoj se održava.

Prodavši čak 40 miliona nosača zvuka, Billy je ušao u istoriju rock’n’rolla hitovima kao što su Rebel Yell, Mony Mony, White Wedding i drugim.

Plavokosi buntovnik je bio na vrhu liste želja fanova Gitarijade, koji su najviše glasali za njegov nastup na stadionu Kraljevica. Srećom, Idol je uvrstio Zaječar u svoju evropsku turneju Billy Idol Live! 2018, te će publika iz Srbije i regiona imati priliku da na Gitarijadi uživa u još jednom od njegovih spektakularnih koncerata.

Više o Gitarijadi možete saznati na: Idol Live! Guitar fest Zajecar 30 Jun 2018! Entrance Free!

Organized Transportation From Belgrade Return After Concert.
Information I Reservations To:

1,500 din – special action until February 15th
2.000 din – from February 16 to June 1
2,500 dinars – from June 2

Number of places is limited, hurry with reservations!

Entrance to the Guitar and use of the rock camp are free.

Zaječarska Gitarijada, which will be held from 28th to 30th June 2018, continues with the tradition of bringing in all the larger world stars.

According to the Mayor of Zaječar, Boško Ničić, the headliner of the 52nd Guitarians in Zaječar is the famous British rocker Billy Idol, who will perform on June 30th.

Idol, which has crossed the pervading path from punk pioneer to a mega star, is considered one of the most sought-after artists when it comes to touring – each of his concerts is sold out for months in advance, regardless of the territory in which he is held.

By selling as many as 40 million sound recorders, Billy entered rock’n’roll history with hits such as Rebel Yell, Mony Mony, White Wedding and others.

The blonde rebel was at the top of the list of fans of the Gitarijada fans who voted the most for his performance at the Kraljevica stadium. Fortunately, Idol has included Zajecar in his European tour Billy Idol Live! 2018, and audiences from Serbia and the region will have the opportunity to enjoy the Gitarijada in yet another of his spectacular concerts.

More about Guitarians can be found at:


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