BITIPATIBI se vraća u CK13, ovim koncertom kojim se završava njihova zimska turneja, nakon svirki u Beogradu, Splitu i Zagrebu. Na repertoaru će biti prva dva albuma i pesme koje će se naći na trećem, a ovoga puta sviraju u proširenom sastavu:
Una Gašić – vokal, klavijature
Todor Živković – gitara
Srđan Popov – bas gitara
Ernest Džananović – bubnjevi
Gost na koncertu: Dušan Petrović – saksofon
Zamislite mesto na kom se spajaju Cocteau Twins i Mazzy Star, Morphine i Tuxedomoon, i neka se to mesto nalazi u Beogradu. Srce tog izmišljenog mesta moglo bi da bude u grupi BITIPATIBI, koja svoju verziju indie/shoegaze/dream popa nesebično šalje u svet svakom pesmom i svakim koncertom.
Njihov novi album možete poslušati na sledećem linku: https://
Karte za ovaj koncert će biti 600 dinara.BITIPATIBI returns to CK13, with this concert that ends their winter tour, after gigs in Belgrade, Split and Zagreb. On the repertoire will be the first two albums and songs that will be found on the third, and this time they play in the expanded composition:
Una Gasic – vocals, keyboards
Todor Zivkovic – guitar
Srdjan Popov – bass guitar
Ernest Džananović – drums
Guest at the concert: Dušan Petrović – saxophone
Imagine a place where Cocteau Twins and Mazzy Star, Morphine and Tuxedomoon merges, and let this place be in Belgrade. The heart of this fictional place could be in the group BITIPATIBI, which sends its version of indie / shoegaze / dream pop unselfishly to the world with every song and every concert.
You can listen to their new album on the following link:
The tickets for this concert will be 600 dinars.