Želimo da Vas obavestimo da smo i ove godine za našu najmlađu publiku u Pozorištance Puž pripremili novu predstavu »Brankove zimske čarolije« u kojoj naravno učestvuje i Deda Mraz.
Zoza, Brankov bratanac koji je došao u posetu Branku pravi razne smicalice i dovodi Branka u smešne i zanimljive situacije. Međutim kada se pojavi zli patuljak koji ukrade Deda mraza i poklone, situacija postaje ozbiljna. Nadamo se da će se srećnom završetku, i da će Deda Mraz sa paketićima stići na vreme.
Nakon završetka predstave postoji opcija podele paketića i fotografisanja sa Deda Mrazom.
Za informacije i rezervacije karata možete se javiti od petka, prvog decembra, na telefone pozorišta:
011/ 2438-036
011/ 244-9464
Cena karte iznosi 700 dinara.
Trenutno otvoreni i aktuelni termini za rezervaciju i prodaju karata su :
17.12. u 14:00 i 19:00
20.12. u 18:00
PROCEDURA – UKOLIKO ŽELITE – Paketić donosite najranije pola sata pred početak predstave, sa napisanim imenom deteta. Predajete ga na službenom ulazu gde će pisati PRIJEM PAKETIĆA. Nakon završetka predstave, dolazite do bine gde Vas čeka Deda Mraz i daje detetu paketić. Možete sami fotografisati dete sa Deda Mrazom ili to može učiniti naš profesionalni fotograf. Cena fotografije je 150 dinara, i slobodna je da je preuzmete od narednog dana u pozorištu. Ukoliko ne stignete da je preuzmete do 31. decembra, čekaće vas u foto radnji.We would like to inform you that this year, for our youngest audience in the Pozorištance Puž/Theater Snail, we have prepared a new show of „Branko’s Winter Spell“, which of course involves Santa Claus.
Zoza, Branko’s brother who came to visit Branko makes various tricks and brings Branka into funny and interesting situations. However, when the evil dwarf who steals the Santa Claus and gifts appears, the situation becomes serious. We hope that it will be a happy ending, and that Santa Claus with packs will arrive on time.
Upon completion of the show, there is an option to split packets and take pictures with Santa.
For information and reservation of tickets, you can call from Friday, December 1st, to telephones of the theater:
011 / 2438-036
011 / 244-9464
The price of the ticket is 700 dinars.
The currently open and current dates for booking and selling tickets are:
17.12. at 14:00 and 19:00
20.12. at 18:00
PROCEDURE – IF YOU WANT – Take the package at the earliest half an hour before the start of the show, with the name of the child. You will lecture him at the official entrance where he will write PREPARING PACKAGES. Upon completion of the performance, come to the stage where Santa is waiting for you and give the child a packet. You can photograph your child with Santa Claus yourself or our professional photographer can do it. The price of the photo is 150 dinars, and it is free to download it from the next day in the theater. If you do not get to download it by December 31, you will be waiting for you at the photo store.