Budi kreativan – iskoristi dan! 19.06 – 29.08.2018. DKC

Budi kreativan – iskoristi dan! 19.06 – 29.08.2018. DKC
Takovska 8, Beograd
19.Jun.2018 - 23.Aug.2018

Budi kreativan – iskoristi dan!
tokom letnjeg raspusta
besplatni programi za decu i mlade od 14 do 20 godina

19. jun od 14 do 16 časova

Upoznajmo likovne tehnike

(crtež olovkom, suvi pastel, uljani pastel, akvarel, gvaš..

Da bi mladi iskazali svoja zapažanja i zamisli kroz likovno delo, prvo će biti u prilici da se upoznaju sa pažljivo odabranim primerima iz istorije umetnosti, a nakon prezentacije sledi praktična primena. Vrsta materijala i način njegove primene uticaće na uobličavanje likovnog izraza. Zavisno od tehnike i postupka u obradi materijala nastaju crteži olovkom, tušem i perom, i slike rađene akvarel, gvaš ili pastel tehnikom.

Broj polaznika: 20 učesnika

Vode: mr Katarina Bulajić Pavlović, vodi Likovni atelje u DKCB

23. jun, od 10 do 13 časova

17. avgust od 10 do 13 časova

Radionica stripa i karikature

Ideja je da se mladi oprobaju u formi kaiša (kratka forma stripa), jer je to najbolji način da pokažu svoje umeće, jer ih mnogo komplikovanije forme stripa često demotivišu. Poseban značaj ove radionice je u tome što je strip idealan medij koji pomaže adolescentima da se kroz vizuelno-satiričnu formu suoče sa odrastanjem i prevaziđu krizne godine (akutne i razvojno-psihološke probleme u procesu samorealizacije ličnosti).

Broj polaznika: 15 učesnika

Vodi: Mileta Miloradović, karikaturista i ilustrator, vodi radionicu stripa u DKCB

28. i 29. jun od 10 do 13 časova

3. i 4. jul od 10 do 13 časova

23. i 24. avgust od 10 do 12 časova

Umetnost kaligrafije

Mladi bi upoznali spektar umetnosti kaligrafije kroz kratko predavanje. Fokus je na učenju osnovih kaligrafskih principa. Polaznici radionice će nakon upoznavanja imati mogućnosti izbora na kojem pismu će ih primenjivati. Upoznaće i koje umetnosti se lepo nadopunjuju i iste imati priliku da primenjuju u svojim radovima. Krajnji ishod radionice su završni radovi polaznika.

Broj polaznika: 20 učesnika

Vodi: Silvana Ručnov, kaligraf, saradnik DKCB

2. i 3. jul od 10 do 15 časova

Ekološka avantura – rečni foto-safari

Mladi će imati mogućnost da sa ekologom obiđu veliko Ratno ostrvo i upoznaju se sa glavnim karakteristikama, istorijatom nastanka, položajem, mikro-klimom, osnovnim karakteristikama biljnog i životinjskog sveta i trenutnim ekološkim statusom. Sem obilaska, održala bi se praktična nastava u prirodi o metodologiji bioloških istraživanja: prikupljanje i pravljenje herbarijuma, hvatanje i prepariranje insekata, posmatranje i izučavanje ptica, vodozemaca gmizavaca, riba i sisara i njihovo fotografisanje.

Broj polaznika: 15

Vode: Vesna Krnjaić, stručni saradnik za edukativne programe DKCB i Marijana Petrović, ekolog, saradnik DKCB, sekretar Mladih istraživača Beograda

2. i 4. jul od 10 do 12 časova

27. i 29. avgust od 10 do 13 časova

Izrada keramičkih posuda na grnčarskom točku i oslikavanje zemljanim bojama

U Ateljeu za primenjenu umetnost, mladi bi istraživali i radili na formiranju estetskih kriterijuma u sagledavanju prostornih formi, kroz izradu upotrebnih posuda „iz ruke” i na grnčarskom točku po uzoru na unikatne stare posude, kako bi im se približila specifična estetika i istorija keramičkih posuda. Kroz rad i razgovor sa pedagogom DKCB, učesnici projekta bi tokom radionica, upoznavali materijal i tehnike izrade posudne keramike. Projekat prvenstveno ima za cilj da podigne svest kod učenika o sopstvenoj kulturnoj baštini i tradicionalnim zanatima koji su predstavljali odraz viševekovne tradicije u selu i gradu, a danas iščezavaju zbog savremenog tehnološkog razvoja i masovne robne proizvodnje.

Broj polaznika: 10 učesnika

Vodi: Aleksandra Grbović, saradnik Ateljea za primenjenu umetnost DKCB

5, 6. 9. i 10. jul od 11 do 13 časova

Upoznajmo vajarske tehnike – Biljni elementi u oblikovanju reljefa

Mladi će imati mogućnost da se upoznaju sa slikarskim radom italijanskog manirističkog slikara 17. veka – Đuzepeom Arčimboldom. Zatim će sa likovnim pedagogom- vajarkom proći predstavljanje procesa izrade reljefa, kao i odabir biljaka i pravljenje kompozicija. Sledi: Odlivanje u gipsu napravljenih biljnih kompozicija – dobijanje kalupa, zatim priprema gline i utiskivanje gline u gipsane kalupe, kao i vađenje pozitiva; retuširanje i na kraju bojenje i priprema za pečenje

Broj polaznika: 15

Vodi: dr um. vajarstva Nevena Popović, saradnik DKCB

11, 18. i 25. jul od 12 do 15 časova

9, 16. i 23. avgust od 12 do 15 časova

Radionica ilustracije, koncept arta i stripa

Ideja je da radionica stripa, ilustracije i koncep arta okupi ne samo autore stasale u školi, već i sve one koji su raznim spletovima okolnosti, ušli u svet stripa. Stvaranje stripa je uvek bio i ostaće, usamljenički posao, gde je čovek upućen samo na svoje sposobnosti, svoj talenat, znanje i maštu. Zato je i zrelim stvaraocima, jednako kao i mladim početnicima, potrebno da sa sebi sličnima tu svoju strast podele, razmene iskustva, pokažu i vide radove u nastajanju, jer u stripu nema šta drugo da se radi, sem da se crta. Ta jednostavna rečenica,Be creative – use the day!
during the summer break
free programs for children and young people aged 14 to 20

June 19 from 14 to 16 o’clock

Let’s meet art techniques

(drawing with pencil, dry pastel, oil pastel, watercolor, gouache ..

In order for young people to express their perceptions and ideas through artwork, they will first be able to get acquainted with carefully chosen examples from the history of art, and after the presentation, practical application follows. The type of material and the manner of its application will affect the shaping of the visual expression. Depending on the technique and method of processing material, drawings with pencil, shower and feather, and paintings made with watercolor, gouache or pastel technique are created.

Number of participants: 20 participants

Waters: Katarina Bulajić Pavlović, MA, runs Art Studio at DKCB

June 23, from 10 to 13 hours

August 17 from 10 to 13 hours

Workshop of comics and cartoons

The idea is that young people are trained in the form of strips (short form of comics), because this is the best way to show their skills, because the more complicated forms of comics often demotivate them. The special significance of this workshop is that the comic is an ideal medium that helps adolescents face the growing and overcoming crisis years through acute and satirical form (acute and developmental-psychological problems in the process of self-realization of personality).

Number of participants: 15 participants

Leads: Mileta Miloradovic, cartoonist and illustrator, runs a comic book workshop in DKCB

June 28 and 29 from 10 to 13 hours

3 and 4 July from 10 to 13 hours

23 and 24 August from 10 to 12 hours

The art of calligraphy

The young people would get to know the spectrum of art of calligraphy through a short lecture. The focus is on learning the basics of calligraphic principles. After the introduction, the workshop participants will have the possibility of choosing which letter they will use. They will also know which arts are complementary and have the opportunity to apply them in their works. The final outcome of the workshop is the final work of the participants.

Number of participants: 20 participants

Leads: Silvana Ruchnov, calligrapher, associate DKCB

2 and 3 July from 10 to 15 hours

Ecological adventure – river photo safari

The young will have the opportunity to visit the great island of Ecologists with the ecologist and get acquainted with the main characteristics, history of creation, position, micro-climate, basic characteristics of the plant and animal world and current ecological status. In addition to this, practical training in nature will be held on the methodology of biological research: collecting and making herbarium, capturing and preparing insects, observing and studying birds, amphibians of reptiles, fish and mammals, and taking photographs thereof.

Number of participants: 15

Waters: Vesna Krnjaić, expert associate for educational programs of DKCB and Marijana Petrović, ecologist, associate DKCB, Secretary of Young researchers in Belgrade

2 and 4 July from 10 to 12 hours

August 27th and August 29th from 10am to 1pm

Creation of ceramic vessels on a potter’s wheel and painting with earthy colors

In the Atelier for Applied Arts, young people would explore and work on the formation of aesthetic criteria in the examination of spatial forms, by making use of hand-made dishes and pottery on the model of unique old vessels in order to bring them closer to the specific aesthetics and history of ceramic vessels . Through the work and discussion with the DKCB pedagogue, the participants of the project would be familiar with the materials and techniques of making pottery. The project primarily aims to raise students’ awareness of their own cultural heritage and traditional crafts that have reflected the multicultural tradition in the village and the city, and today they are disappearing due to modern technological development and mass commodity production.

Number of participants: 10 participants

Leads: Aleksandra Grbović, associate at the Applied Arts Center DKCB

5, 6, 9 and 10 July from 11 to 13 hours

Let’s meet the sculptural techniques – Herbal elements in shaping the relief

Young people will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the painting work of the 17th-century Italian 17th-century manirist painter – Giuseppe Archembold. Then, with the fine arts pedagogue, the presentation of the process of making relief, as well as the selection of plants and making compositions, will take place. Follows: Plaster casting of plant herbal compositions – getting molds, then preparing clay and clinging clay into plaster molds, as well as extracting positives; retouching and finally dyeing and preparing for baking

Number of participants: 15

Leads: dr. Sculptors Nevena Popović, associate DKCB

11, 18 and 25 July from 12 to 15 hours

9, 16 and 23 August from 12 to 15 hours

Workshop illustration, concept of art and comics

The idea is that the comic book, illustration and conception art collection brings together not only the authors, but all those who, through various circumstances, have entered the world of comics. Creation of comics has always been and will remain, a lonely job, where man is directed only to his abilities, his talent, his knowledge and his imagination. That’s why it is necessary for mature creators, just like young beginners, to share their passion for sharing, sharing experiences, showing and seeing works in the making, because the comic has nothing to do, except to be drawn. This simple sentence,


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