CDE promo party: Charlotte de Witte & La Fleur
Promo party 23. decembar, Hangar, Luka Beograd
Central Dance Event platforma ponovo iznenadjuje i sledeću zimsku sezonu započinje promo žurkom na kojoj će nastupati dve večanstvene dame techno scene.
Ako postoji jedan DJ koji će osvojiti svet izazivajući neverovatnu oluju to je definitivno Charlotte de Witte. Nikad se ne sklanjajući od izazova, usmeravajući karijeru i muziku tačno onako kako ona sama to predvidja i time redja bezbroj beskompromisnih agresivnih techno setova širom Evrope.
La Fleur je jedna od od umetnica koja se nikako ne može postaviti u kutiju. Za početak, imala je previše preokreta da bi se njena karijera jednostavno ograničila. Kako bi je lakše razumeli, evo šta ona za sebe kaže: „Ne sviđa mi se reč perfekcionista jer u stvari jako je teško razmišljati izvan kutije , ali zapravo, ja sam mnogo toga… Moja pažnja umerena ka detaljima jako je velika, ali sam isto tako često nezadovoljan stvarima i tada uporno na njima radim do momenta kada se taj osećaj u meni izgubi, odnosno kada sve dovedem u tačku u kojoj osećam da treba da bude. Od onih sam osoba koje nikada ne ništa se prepuštaju slučajnosti. „
CDE promo party: Charlotte de Witte & La Fleur
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Promo party December 23, Hangar, port of Belgrade
Club Hangar is a newly opened club located in Boulevard Vojvode Mišića 10, more precisely at the Belgrade Fair, across from the BIGZ building.
The Central Dance Event platform is again surprising and the next winter season begins with a prom party where two multi-ethnic ladies of techno scene will perform.
If there is one DJ to win the world causing an incredible storm this is definitely Charlotte de Witte. Never run out of challenges, directing career and music exactly as she predicts herself, and thus spawning countless uncompromising aggressive techno sets across Europe.
La Fleur is one of the artists that can not be placed in a box anymore. To begin with, she had too many turns to make her career simply limit. To understand it easier, here is what she says to herself: „I do not like the word perfectionist, because it’s actually very difficult to think outside the box, but actually, I’m a lot of … My attention to detail is very big, but I’m also so often dissatisfied with things, and then I work persistently on them until the moment when that feeling in me is lost, that is, when I bring everything to the point where I feel it should be. Of those, I am a person who never leaves anything coincidental. “