Ciklus japanskog filma "Živeti!" 29 – 31.01.2018. CK13

Ciklus japanskog filma "Živeti!" 29 – 31.01.2018. CK13


Ponovo radi Art bioskop! Novu sezonu krenućemo sa klasicima japanske i svetske kinematografije. Prikazivaćemo dela nastala tokom zlatne dekade japanskog filma (1950-1960), koja govore o običnim ljudima i njihovim teškoćama i naporima da žive ispunjenim i smislenim životom. U tim nastojanjima često bivaju osujećeni, neretko usled raznih životnih i kosmičkih nepravdi, ali njihov odgovor je uvek isti, ne odustati, boriti se i živeti.

Ulaz na sve projekcije je besplatan.

Ponedeljak, 29. januar:

Yasujirō Ozu

18.00 Tokyo Story (1953) – 2h16min
Film sa vrhunca karijere japanskog režisera Jasusira Ozua i po mišljenju mnogih kritičara jedno od najvećih filmskih ostvarenja prošlog veka. Glavni glumci Chishū Ryū i Chieko Higashiyama tumače ostareli bračni par iz provincije koji dolazi u Tokio kako bi posetili svoju decu i unuke. Međutim, ubrzo po dolasku bivaju razočarani i shataju da njihova deca nemaju dovoljno vremena za njih.

20.30 Floating Weeds (1959) – 1h59min
Floating Weeds predstavlja rimejk istoimenog Ozuovog nemog filma iz 1934. Pripadnici putujuće glumačke družine kabuki glumaca na čelu sa ostarelim Komajurom (Ganjiro Nakamura) dolaze da nastupaju u jednom primorskom mjestu. Nedugo zatim, ispostavlja se da je lokalni mladi poštar Kyoshi (Hiroshi Kawaguchi) Komarujov vanbračni sin, što izaziva ljubomoru Komarujove ljubavnice Sumiko (Machiko Kyō).

Utorak, 30. januar:

Kenji Mizoguchi

18.00 Sansho the Bailiff (1954) – 2h4min
Istorijska drama u režiji Kenjija Mizogučija smeštena je u 11. vek i prikazuje stradanje porodice dvorskog službenika koji je zbog neizvršenja naređenja prognan u drugu provinciju, dok su njegova žena i dvoje dece otišli da žive kod njenog brata. Nakon par godina, u pokušaju da mu se pridruže, bivaju prevareni i prodani u roblje. Žena biva prisiljena da se bavi prostitucijom, dok su deca odvojena od nje i postaju robovi u logoru okrutnog upravnika Sansoa (Eitaro Shindo).

20.30 Ugetsu (1953) – 1h36min
Scenario za film se temelji na istoimenoj zbirci Uede Akinarija. Radnja je smeštena u provinciju Omi i odvija se u periodu 16. veka. Protagonisti filma koje tumače Masayuki Mori i Eitaro Ozawa su dva skromna seljaka, koja, uprkos građanskom ratu koji besni oko njih, nastoje steći slavu i bogatstvo, jedan kao trgovac i drugi kao samuraj, što će dovesti do tragičnih posledica po njihove supruge i navući bes duhova.

Sreda, 31. januar:

Akira Kurosawa

18.00 Ikiru (1952) – 2h23min
Film je delom inspirisan kratkom Tolstojevom pričom “Smrt Ivana Iljiča”. Kandži Vatanabe (Takaši Šimura) je sredovečni muškarac koji se istim monotonim poslom bavi već 30 godina i koji nakon saznanja da ima rak želuca odlučuje da svoje preostalo vreme i energiju posveti ostvarivanju vrednog dostignuća pre završetka svog života.

20.30 Yojimbo (1961) 1h50min
Jedno od najpoznatijih ostvarenja japanskog režisera Akire Kurosave, a ujedno i film koji je poslužio kao inspiracija Serđu Leonu za njegovu špageti vestern trilologiju i čuveni rimejk „Za šaku dolara“. Radnja je smeštena u Japan u drugoj polovini 19. veka. Sanđuro, lutajući samuraj, stiže u ruralni gradić i od krčmara saznaje da je grad podeljen između dva moćna čoveka. Obojica su skloni kockanju i stalno ih prate telohranitelji koji štite i njih i njihov biznis. Neprekidno se sukobljavaju i tu Sanđuro vidi svoju šansu. Ponudio je svoje usluge obojici i čeka bolju ponudu.Art works again! We start the new season with the classics of Japanese and world cinema. We will portray works created during the Golden Decade of the Japanese Film (1950-1960), which speak of ordinary people and their difficulties and efforts to live a fulfilled and meaningful life. In these endeavors, they often become embittered, often because of various life and cosmic injuries, but their answer is always the same, do not give up, fight and live.

The entrance to all projections is free.

Monday, January 29:

Yasujirō Ozu

18.00 Tokyo Story (1953) – 2h16min
A film from the height of the career of Japanese director Jasusir Ozu and in the opinion of many critics one of the greatest film achievements of the last century. The main actors Chishū Ryū and Chieko Higashiyama interpret the elderly couple from the province who are coming to Tokyo to visit their children and grandchildren. However, soon after their arrival they are disappointed and realize that their children do not have enough time for them.

20.30 Floating Weeds (1959) – 1h59min
Floating Weeds is a remake of the same name of Ozu’s silent film from 1934. Members of the traveling acting family of kabuki actors led by the elderly Komajar (Ganjiro Nakamura) come to perform in one seaside town. Shortly thereafter, it turns out that the local young postman Kyoshi (Hiroshi Kawaguchi) Komaruj’s extraordinary son, provokes the jealous Komarui mistress Sumiko (Machiko Kyō).

Tuesday, January 30:

Kenji Mizoguchi

18.00 Sansho the Bailiff (1954) – 2h4min
The historical drama directed by Kenji Mizoguchi is located in the 11th century and shows the suffering of a family court official who was driven to another province because of non-execution of orders, while his wife and two children went to live with her brother. After a few years, in an attempt to join him, they are deceived and sold into slaves. The wife is forced to engage in prostitution, while the children are separated from her and become slaves in the camp of the savage administrator Sansoa (Eitaro Shindo).

20.30 Ugetsu (1953) – 1h36min
The scenario for the film is based on the same collection of the Uede Academy. The store is located in the province of Omi and dates back to the 16th century. The protagonists of the film interpreted by Masayuki Mori and Eitaro Ozawa are two modest peasants who, despite the civil war that rages around them, seek to gain fame and fortune, one as a trader and another as a samurai, which will lead to tragic consequences for their wives and incite rage ghosts.

Wednesday, January 31:

Akira Kurosawa

18.00 Ikiru (1952) – 2h23min
The film is partly inspired by the short Tolstoy story „Death of Ivan Iljic“. Kandi Watanabe (Takashi Shimura) is a middle-aged man who has been dealing with the same monotonous work for 30 years and who, after learning that he has cancer of the stomach, decides to devote his time and energy to achieving a worthwhile achievement before the end of his life.

20.30 Yojimbo (1961) 1h50min
One of the most famous performances of Japanese director Akira Kurosawa, and also a film that served as an inspiration to Sergio Leon for his spaghetti western trilogy and famous remake of „For a handful of dollars.“ The store is located in Japan in the second half of the 19th century. Sanjoro, a wandering samurai, arrives in a rural town and learns from the slaughterhouse that the city is divided between two powerful men. Both are prone to gambling and are constantly accompanied by bodyguards who protect them and their business. They are constantly clashing and Sanjuro sees his chance. He offered his services to both of them and was waiting for a better offer.


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