14 Februar
Dan zaljubljenih uz nastup Ilije Ludviga
„Ilija Ludvig je “underground kralj” Beograda već godinama, ali tokom 2014. i 2015, proširio je svoje kraljevstvo na neverovatan način. Neko bi rekao da nema mesta gde Ludvig nije svirao i ne bi mnogo pogrešio: svako mesto je „scena“ i svaki čovek je publika. Ilija svira gitaru i peva, ima stand-up nastup tokom koncerta, izražava se i kroz pesme i vizuelno, anagažovan je u borbi protiv svih nepravdi ovog sveta i voli da pokaže koliko mu je stalo do svakoga u publici. Ilija je pesnik, zabavljač i muzičar. I Vudi Gatri i Skriming Džej Hokins i Bili Breg i Lu Rid. Ilija je Ludvig.“
Ivan Lončarević, popdepresija
Rezervacije +38163848611414 February
Valentine’s Day with the performance of Ilija Ludvig
„Ilija Ludvig is the“ underground king „of Belgrade for years, but during 2014 and 2015, he expanded his kingdom in an incredible way. One would say that there is no place where Ludwig did not play and would not make much mistake: every place is a“ scene „and Ilija plays the guitar and sings, has a stand-up performance during the concert, is expressed through songs and visually, is anaghanized in the fight against all the injustices of this world and likes to show how much he cares for everyone in the audience. is a poet, entertainer and musician, and Vudi Gatri and Skreaming JJ Hookins and Billy Breg and Lu Rid, Ilia is Ludwig. “
Ivan Loncarevic, pop-depression
Reservations +381638486114