Dirty Soundz | Battric & MIVU, 031 Republic, sam.Luda 12.05.2018. KPTM

Dirty Soundz | Battric & MIVU, 031 Republic, sam.Luda 12.05.2018. KPTM
Žorža Klemansoa 22, Beograd

Nakon sjajnih aftera kod nas, osnivači i rezidenti party serijala Dirty SoundZ Battric & MIVU će ponovo promovisati kvalitetan klupski zvuk u Beogradu!

Dirty Soundz lansiran je 2012. u saradnji sa Rale Raa koji je do kraja do maja 2014. i poneo najveci teret organizacije i ugostio je mnoga strana imena koja su tada po prvi put nastupala u Beogradu: Mihai Popoviciu, Archie Hamilton, Manuel de Lorenzi, Dimitri Monev i Someone Else, a serijal je krunisan i istoimenim festivalom maja 2014. godine.

Posle trogodišnje pauze Dirty SoundZ ponovo u akciji! Zajedničkim snagama, Battric & MIVU, 031 Republic i DBDZ pokreću novi talas klupskih žurki pod starim imenom. Ova svojevremeno popularna anderground platforma želi da okupi staru i prigrli novu ekipu ljubitelja minimal i tech zvuka, kao i poklonika intimne klupske atmosfere.

Battric & MIVU, rodjeni u Pristini sada su nastanjeni u Beogradu. Vlasnici su Verbreiten Records etikete. Rođeni u muzičkoj porodici gde je konstantno odzvanjao zvuk gitare Batrić i Milić odrastaju slušajući varijetete alternativne muzike, razvijajući postepeno osećaj za kvalitetnom muzikom. Kako je vreme prolazilo, prolazile su i životne faze u kojima je stariji od braće postao bubnjar u hard core bendu a mlađi slusao hip hop, konstantno razvijajući osećaj za bitom, za činelom, za bas linijom, za gruvom. Tako je sve i počelo, formirali su duo poznat kao Battric & MIVU. Još od prvih nastupa njihovi setovi bivaju sastavljeni od primesa minimalističnog zvuka, uvek težeći da zvuk bude što više underground, istovremeno praveći odličnu atmosferu, uvek voljni da rade mnogočasovne b2b setove. Deo su elektronske scene vec 10 godina gde bivaju bukirani na velikim festivalima u jugoistocnoj Evropi kao i na Exitu gde su imali performans i na najvećoj od bina – Dance Areni sa imenima kao što su Dubfire, Martin Butrich, Davide Squillace… Iza sebe imaju preko 30 elektronskih izdanja, 4 potpisana vinyl izdanja i mnoštvo remixa.. Među etiketama možemo pomenuti Baile Musik, Metroline Limited, Inwave, Fantastic Friends, Monday Morning, Act Natural Records…

Line UP:

Battric & MIVU
031 Republic

VIDIMO SE!!! 🙂After great poets in our country, the founders and residents of the party series Dirty SoundZ Battric & MIVU will again promote high-quality club sound in Belgrade!

Dirty Soundz was launched in 2012 in cooperation with Rale Raa, who by the end of May 2014 brought the greatest burden of the organization and hosted many foreign names that first performed in Belgrade for the first time: Mihai Popoviciu, Archie Hamilton, Manuel de Lorenzi, Dimitri Monev and Someone Else, and the series was crowned the May 2014 festival of the same name.

After a three-year break Dirty SoundZ again in action! The joint forces, Battric & MIVU, 031 Republic and DBDZ are launching a new wave of club parties under the old name. This once-popular anderground platform wants to gather the old and embrace a new team of minimal and tech fans, as well as fans of an intimate club atmosphere.

Battric & MIVU, born in Pristina, are now residing in Belgrade. Owners are Verbreiten Records labels. Born in a musical family where the sound of the guitar Batric and Milic is constantly growing up, they are listening to varieties of alternative music, developing a gradual sense of quality music. As time passed, the stages of life in which the older brothers became older became the drummer in the hard core band, and the younger listened to hip hop, constantly developing the feeling for being, for the chin, for the bass line, for the grub. So it all started, they formed a duo known as Battric & MIVU. Ever since their first appearances, their sets have been composed of a minimalist sound, always striving to make the sound as underground, while making a great atmosphere, they are always willing to work on multiple b2b sets. It has been a part of the electronic scene for 10 years now, where they have been bailed out at major festivals in Southeast Europe as well as at Exit, where they have performed at the greatest dance stage – Dance Arena with names such as Dubfire, Martin Butrich, Davide Squillace … They have over 30 electronic releases, 4 signed vinyl releases and a lot of remixes. Among the labels we can mention Baile Musik, Metroline Limited, Inwave, Fantastic Friends, Monday Morning, Act Natural Records …

Line UP:

Battric & MIVU
031 Republic



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