Disney na ledu – Čarobna kraljevstva 08 – 10.12.
Disney na ledu predstavlja – Čarobna kraljevstva
koja će vas povesti iz Zagreba u očaravajuću avanturu na četiri magične lokacije
Nova produkcija uključuje dinamične sestre Anu i Elsu iz najboljeg Disney filma svih vremena Snježno kraljevstvo
Također pogledajte Munjevitog Jurića, kamionet Šlep i ekipu iz Disney•Pixar animiranog filma – Auti – koji vas vode na led
Disney na ledu predstavlja Čarobna kraljevstva, Feld Entertainment akcijski paket ledene spektakularne zabave uz četiri Disney priče prepune zabave koje dolaze u Zagreb od 8. – 10.12.2017! Čarobna kraljevstva predstavljaju voljene likove iz Disney•Pixar Automobila, Male sirene i Priče o igračkama uz Mickey Mousa, Minnie Maus, Paju Patka i Šilju. Uz ove obožavane likove vidjet ćemo i zvijezde Disney Snježnog kraljevstva.
Ulaznice u prodaju kreću danas, po promotivnoj cijeni s popustom od 10%. Po tim cijenama moći ćete kupiti sve kategorije osim VIP ulaznica. Akcija će trajati 14 dana a po isteku iste moći ćete ih nabaviti po redovnim cijenama:
90, 120, 150, 190, 220, 290, 295 kuna.
Prodaja će se vršiti na prodajnim mjestima sustava Eventim, putem www.eventim.hr i web stranici www.disneyonice.com.hr
Publika će ući u fantastični zimski svijet Arandelle uz kraljevske sestre Anu i Elsu iz BAFTOM i Oscarom nagrađenog najboljeg animiranog filma svih vremena, Disney Snježno kraljevstvo. Ana, djevojka s izvanrednim srcem, kreće na epsko putovanje s urenebesnim snjegovićem Olafom i čovjekom s planine Kristoffom, kako bi pronašla svoju sestru, magičnu Elsu, čije su ledene moći obavile kraljevstvo Arendelle u vječnu zimu.
Producentica Nicole Feld je izjavila “Naša rekreacija Arendella i vizualni sjaj na ledu priprema pozornicu za magičnu transformaciju od ljeta do zime. Iako je očito da je Snježno kraljevstvo prilkadno za led, ova će Disney On Ice produkcija emotivno doprijeti do publike kroz inovativne elemente predstave i svjetske klizače.”
U mjestu Kurbla Bistra likovi iz Disney•Pixar filma Auti – Munjeviti Jurić, Kamionet Šlep i ekipa dovode svoje visoko oktanske karaktere na led. Uz vrhunsku animatroniku, njihove oči i usta se miču sa svakim pomakom na ledenoj autocesti. Likovi će oduševiti publiku skokovima, piruetama i zabavom.
“Čarobna kraljevstva spajaju klasične i nove Disney priče”, govori nam producent Kenneth Feld. “Publika će biti oduševljena kada se susretnu s nezaboravnom ekipom animiranih automobila izgrađenih u realnoj veličini, uživo na ledu. Imat će priliku vidjeti svoje najdraže likove poput Male Sirene i likova iz Disney•Pixar Priče o igračkama 3 te otkriti priču prepunu akcije, čarolije i nezaboravnih likova uz Snježno kraljevstvo.”
Kako bi producirali Čarobna kraljevstva, Feld duo oca i kćeri sazvao je nevjerojatno talentirani kreativni tim koji se sastoji od Jay Smitha (redatelj), Patty Vincent (redateljica Priče o igračkama 3 i dijelova Snježnog kraljevstva), Jerry Bilika (scenarist), dobitnice dviju nagrada Emmy® Sarah Kawahara (koreograf), Cindy Stuart (koreograf – Priča o igračkama 3 i dijelovi Snježnog kraljevstva), Cynthia Nordstrom (kostimograf), Scott Lane (kostimograf za djelova Priče o igračkama 3), dobitnik nagrade Emmy® Gregory A. Poplyk (kostimograf – dijelovi Snježnog kraljevstva), Peter Morse (rasvjeta), Alex Reardib (rasvjeta na dijelovima Priče o igračkama 3), Sam Doty (rasvjeta – dijelovi Snježnog kraljevstva) i Jeremy Railton (dizajner seta).
Za potpuni popis datuma turneje posjetite Disney On Ice web stranicu (http://www.disenyonice.com) i pratite najnovije vijesti putem društvenih mreža:
Facebook (www.facebook.com/DisneyOnIce)
Twitter (@DisneyOnIce/@NicoleFeld (producentov Twitter)
YouTube (www.youtube.com/DisneyOnIce)
Mediji mogu posjetiti www.feldentertainment.com/WorldsOfEnchantment za više informacija. Fotografije možete pronaći na www.feldentertainment.com/hrp (username: feldmedia; password: photos).
Disney on Ice – Magic Kingdom 08 – 10.12.
Disney on Ice presents – The Magic Kingdom
which will take you from Zagreb to the enchanting adventure of four magical locations
The new production includes dynamic nuns Anu and Elsa from the best Disney movie of all time the Snow Queen
Also see Munjevic Jurić, Šlep truck and Disney • Pixar animated movie – Cars – that lead you on ice
Disney on Ice presents the Magic Kingdom, the Feld Entertainment ice pack of fun spectacular entertainment along with the four Disney’s full-time entertainment stories coming to Zagreb from 8th to 10th December, 2017! The magic kingdoms are the likes of Disney • Pixar Cars, Little Mermaids and Toy Stories with Mickey Mouse, Minnie Maus, Paju Patka and Shilju. Along with these fancied characters, we will see the stars of the Disney Snow Queen.
Tickets are on sale today, at a promotional price of 10% discount. At these prices you will be able to buy all categories except VIP tickets. The action will last 14 days and after the expiration of the same you will be able to purchase them at regular prices:
90, 120, 150, 190, 220, 290, 295 kuna.
Sales will be made at the Eventim sales points, via www.eventim.hr and at www.disneyonice.com.hr
The audience will enter the fantastic winter world of Arandelle with royal sisters An and Elsa of BAFTOM and Oscar-winning best animated film of all time, the Disney Snow Queen. Ana, an exquisite heartwarming girl, travels on an epic journey with Olaf’s umbrella snowman and a man from the mountain of Christoff to find her sister, the magical Elsa, whose ice powers have made the kingdom of Arendelle everlasting.
Producer Nicole Feld said, „Our Arendella recreation and the visual glow of ice is preparing the stage for a magical transformation from summer to winter. Although it is obvious that the Snow Queen is a jerk for ice, this Disney On Ice production will emotionally reach the audience through innovative elements of the show and the world’s slider. “
In the place of Kurbla Bistra Characters from Disney • Pixar Film Auti – Munjeviti Juric, Slep and Team Trucks bring their highly octane characters to the ice. With top-of-the-line animatronics, their eyes and mouths move with every shift on the ice-highway. Characters will delight the audience with jumps, cheats, and fun.“The magical kingdoms combine classic and new Disney stories,“ says producer Kenneth Feld. „The audience will be thrilled to meet with an unforgettable team of real-time animated live-action cars, live on ice. They will have a chance to see their favorite characters like Little Sirens and Disney Characters • Pixar Toy Stories 3 and discover a story full of action, spell and unforgettable characters along with the Snow Queen. “
In order to produce the Magic Kingdom, Feld duo father and daughter are summoned by an incredibly talented creative team consisting of Jay Smith (director), Patty Vincent (director of Toy Story 3 and parts of the Snow Queen), Jerry Bilika (screenwriter) Emmy® Sarah Kawahara (choreographer), Cindy Stuart (choreographer – Toy Story 3 and parts of the Snow Queen), Cynthia Nordstrom (costume designer), Scott Lane (costume designer for Toy Story 3), Emmy® Award Gregory A. Poplyk costume designer – parts of the Snow Queen), Peter Morse (lighting), Alex Reardib (lighting on parts of Toy Story 3), Sam Doty (lighting – parts of the Snow Queen) and Jeremy Railton (set designer).
For a complete list of tour dates, visit the Disney On Ice website (http://www.disenyonice.com) and follow the latest social network news:
Facebook (www.facebook.com/DisneyOnIce)
Twitter (@ DisneyOnIce / @ NicoleFeld (producer Twitter)
YouTube (www.youtube.com/DisneyOnIce)
Media can visit www.feldentertainment.com/WorldsOfEnchantment for more information. You can find photos at www.feldentertainment.com/hrp (username: feldmedia; password: photos).