Dodjite da zajedno zaplovimo u novu godinu na mracnim talasima koje ce praviti nas DJ team AKASHA I AETERNA M. od 23h do jutra u ponedeljak 1. Januara na specijanoj DARKSIDE OF BELGRADE veceri – repriza Nove godine.
Ulaz i garderoba su besplatni do ponoci a posle ponoci se placa samo garderoba 100 rsd.
Pice na akciji:
Jelen 150 rsd
gin-tonic, cuba-libre vodka-juice po 200 rsd.
Ulaz BesplatanCome to sail together in the new year on the dark waves that the DJ team AKASHA AND AETERNA M. will make us from 23h to morning on Monday January 1 at the special DARKSIDE OF BELGRADE evening – the New Year’s replay.
Entrance and wardrobe are free until midnight, and after midnight, only the dressing room is 100 rsd.
Pizza on the action:
Jelen 150 rsd
gin-tonic, cuba-libre vodka-juice for 200 rsd.
Entrance Free