ČETVRTAK 05.07. • VRATA 20:00 • POČETAK 21:00 • UPAD 40 KN
WolfBad Squad predstavlja:
Ecstatic Vision (SAD)
Filadelfijski trio Ecstatic Vision išao je na turneje s metal bendovima poput YOB i Enslaved, objavljuje za Relapse Records, koji dosta naginje metalu, a i sami članovi izgledaju kao metalci. No, „Sonic Praise“, debi album Ecstatic Visiona izdan 2015. godine ima tek povremene doticaje s metalom, a i u tom slučaju više podsjeća na bendove poput Hawkwinda, Monster Magneta ili Earthlessa.
Ovdje se radi o natripanim, na suncu izgorjelim psihodeličnim numerama nadahnutim free jazzom, krautrockom i afrobeatom, a rezultat definitivno opravdava ime benda i naslov albuma. Do određene mjere bismo materijal s albuma „Sonic Praise“ zaista mogli zamijeniti za metal ili barem pronaći dodirne točke s njime. No, Ecstatic Vision zapravo prizivaju duh Spacemen 3 i naslov njihovog albuma (i poslanje!) Taking Drugs To Make Music To Take Drugs To!
Prije tri godine izdali su drugi album „Raw Rock Fury“ koji je pokupio gomilu hvalospjeva, dok im 4. svibnja izlazi najnoviji album, „Under The Influence“, na kojem će izvoditi obrade bendova koji su na njih najviše utjecali. Album će izaći na Relapse Records, koji je izdao i prethodna dva albuma.
Saznaj više o programu Močvare:
www.mochvara.hr/newsletterTHURSDAY 05.07. • DOOR 20:00 • START 21:00 • UPDATE 40 KN
WolfBad Squad predstavlja:
Ecstatic Vision (SAD)
Philadelphia Trio Ecstatic Vision went on a tour with metal bands like YOB and Enslaved, releases for Relapse Records, which is pretty metal-like, and the members themselves look like metal. But Sonic Praise, the debut album of Ecstatic Vision, released in 2015, has only occasional metal touches, and in that case is more reminiscent of bands such as Hawkwind, Monster Magneto or Earthlessa.
Here it is, I’m burning in the sun, burning psychedelic numbers inspired by free jazz, krautrock and afrobeat, and the result definitely justifies the name of the band and the title of the album. To a certain extent, the material from the album „Sonic Praise“ could really replace the metal or at least find the point of contact with it. But, Ecstatic Vision actually invokes Ghost Spacemen 3 and the title of their album (and mission!) Taking Drugs To Make Music To Take Drugs To!
Three years ago, they released a second album, „Raw Rock Fury“, which picked up a bunch of horns, and on May 4, the latest album, „Under The Influence“, is released, where they will perform the most influential bands. The album will be released on Relapse Records, which released the previous two albums.
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