New Year’s Eve 2018 at the club Gotik.
Rezervacija: 062/8222000
Aleksandra Prijović
Regular club beverage price list with possibility to increase prices up to 10%.
The price of the ticket is 25 eur
Reservations are paid in particular:
-Parts from 20 eur up to 100 eur (with at least 2 to 8 cards purchased depending on the position, prices depending on the position, see on the map. The tables are marked with the letters P)
– Bar tables from 70 eur up to 120 eur (with at least 5 and 6 cards purchased depending on the position, prices depending on the position, see on the map. The maps are marked with b)
-Sight seating from 80 eur up to 200 eur (with at least 4 to 7 purchased tickets depending on the position, prices depending on the position, see on the map. High seating is marked on the map V)
-Booth from 150 eur to 600 eur (with at least 5 to 14 purchased tickets depending on the position, price depending on the position, see on the map.Any larger sails can be separated into two smaller seats.A few of the two smaller booths can be joined in one larger seats. On the map, the booth are marked with the letter S)