[:en]Ranko Ajdinović: From the Border 30.11. – 05.12.2017. Gallery Siva

[:en]Ranko Ajdinović: From the Border 30.11. – 05.12.2017. Gallery Siva
Luigija Pierottia 11, Zagreb
30.Nov.2017 - 05.Dec.2017

The installation of Ranko Ajdinović: Behind the Border with the live act Tissue , will be presented on Thursday, November 30, 19.00 in the gallery of Gray, Pierotti’s 11th. The set will be open until Tuesday 4th of July, from 17:00 to 20:00.
Behind the border, the project of Ranko Ajdinović Karlovac artist was presented two years ago within the program of the KA-MATRIX New Culture – Hybrid City of Karlovac. By installing an artist, he interferes with the interaction of small people in the public space by allowing citizens to participate in different ways in different ways: leaving or writing messages, touching work, photographing and publishing photos on social networks. The installation thus allows the audience to interact and invites themselves to engage in reflection on artwork. The author with this work leaves the material / linear field in spherical thinking and perception. What lies behind the boundaries of consciousness, reason, beyond the boundaries of life or the space around us, what is the essence and the source of everything can be questioned through direct participation in the work. The installation opens a new, autonomous micro space within the “real world”, which is at the same time a part, but also a separate entity that can be drawn into contemplation.

After the first installment in 2015, the installation was part of the scene of contemporary dance performance Hybrid Gallery: Lost – Found! and this is the first exhibition outside of Karlovac. Installation of the installation will accompany the ambient / noise / industrial project of the tissue behind which lies the new hopes of domestic darkening by Luka Selman. The project is inspired by Prurient, Pharmakon, Croatian Amor and similar performers.
Along with the author, Ranko Ajdinovic, Izagranica’s production is signed by the KMTRX team.

Ranko Ajdinović recognizes his interest in art and creative creation even in early childhood. His artistic career begins in 2008. The way he expresses himself is multimedial. He mainly works in his studies in Karlovac, behind him has ten independent and twenty group exhibitions. Some of his works include collectors such as Zbirka Krajačić in Croatia, De De Bridgewater twice Grammy winner, and many private collections in Paris, New York, Verona, Crete, California, Washington, Amsterdam, Hawaii.
He graduated from Art House College of Visual Arts in Ljubljana.
So far it has been said:
Words dance publishing 2017, Pennsylvania, USA
Magazin Living, 2016
Street art Carnival (group exhibition), 2015, Pula, Duga Resa, Zagreb
Group Exhibit, Gallery of Gray, Zagreb, 2015
Installation in open public space “Behind the Border”, 2015, Karlovac
Independent Exhibition 2015 Business Center of Zavrtnica, Zagreb
Independent exhibition, 2014, Umag
Kunstbunker art festival, Duga Resa, 2013
Installation “Everything Is Inside”, Unemployed City Art Festival, Karlovac, 2013
Exhibition of “Light Cycle”, 2013, Voltino Library, Zagreb
Exhibition “Light Cycle”, December 2012, City Library Ivan Goran Kovačić, Karlovac
Exhibition, August 2012, RiBook Bookstore, Rijeka
Installation “Lighthouse Man”, July 2012, Šetalište dr. Franje Tuđmana, Karlovac
Exhibition “Changes”, April 2012, Student Center Gallery, Karlovac

Related Links:

The Gray Gallery of the Autonomous Cultural Center of the Attack is financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, the City of Zagreb – the City Office for Culture, Education and Sports, the Foundation for Culture of the New and the National Foundation for Civil Society Development.


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