Umbrella party 09.02.2019.Drugstore

Umbrella party 09.02.2019.Drugstore
Bulevar despota Stefana 115, Belgrade, Serbia
Date is February 9th, location is Dragstor, start from 23h.
There are Disko Buvljak, Do the Math, X-Coast, DJ Flip, Summer Deaths, Nails, Nihil, Milkovic and Yan Dusk. We are, of course, here too.
Tickets pre-sales in Zaokret (300rsd). At the entrance 500. Come on.

Umbrella party09. February 2019. Drug Drugstore, Bulevar Despota Stefana 115
Start: 23hBig Room: Umbrella DJsBlack Room: X-Coast, DJ Flip, Do the MathICB: Disko Buvljak, Zicer Inc. showcase
Tickets: 300 rsd in Zaokret, 500rsd at the entrance to the party

The year has just started, and we already have ready new hits that we want to see your reactions. It’s amazing how many good bands are announcing albums in the coming period, so we’re pretty sure that 2019 will be the year of top-level releases.
X-Coast has a new EP and comes to Belgrade as part of a European tour, and the company is making DJ Flip and Do the Math from the Umbrellas who will have the role of host on this occasion.
Zicer Inc. they say to themselves that they are “scarce hip hop collectives”, but for us they are definitely a team that brings a new freshness to the tail scene. We are convinced that in 2019 there will be years in which their sound will explode. Leading the mysterious producer behind the name Summer Deaths, the band consists of Nihil, Milkovic who has a hit singles from Lisbon, Speys Noksy and Yan Dusk, who in December 2018 released fantastic albums.


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