Fugue States – An exhibition of new work by Genevieve Leavold 17 – 23.06.2019. Magacin

Fugue States – An exhibition of new work by Genevieve Leavold 17 – 23.06.2019. Magacin
Kraljevića Marka 4-8, Belgrade, Serbia
17.Jun.2019 - 23.Jun.2019
Fugue States is an exhibition of new work by UK Artist Genevieve Leavold.

For UK born artist Genevieve Leavold, abstraction is not purely an expression of emotions, within the worlds evoked in her shifting organic paintings, Leavold invites the viewer on a journey into the deeper realms of nature and concepts of Self. Taking an intuitive approach to painting she relies on remembered form and trust in the spontaneous re-configuring of her well practiced brushstrokes to create her flowing amorphous paintings.

We are delighted to present Genevieve Leavold’s latest body of work – FUGUE STATES The inspiration behind these pieces is unity, connection and our need to be close to nature. They have a particular focus on mycelium and the interconnected networks of communication that exist in nature.

As an ongoing body of work examining the natural world and out human place within it, these latest paintings give the viewer a feeling of expansion and wilderness and represent a significant development in the artists career.

Genevieve Leavold has exhibited in widely in the UK, in New York and Belgrade and has work in private collections worldwide.

Some of the pieces in the collection will be exhibited in Chicago in May at The Other Art Fair at Mana Contemporary.

There will be two special events held during the exhibition –

17th June – 19.30 Tthere will be a live painting performance by the artist Genevieve Leavold

23rd June – on the Closing night of the exhibition there will be an interdisciplinary performance by Free From Form featuring Poetry, Dance and contemporary piano composition


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