General Woo & Funksteri 11.01.2018 Vintage Industrial

General Woo & Funksteri 11.01.2018 Vintage Industrial
Savska cesta 160, Zagreb

ČETVRTAK 11.1.2018. General Woo & Funksteri @Vintage Industrial Bar I Vrata 20:00 h I Koncert 21:30 h I Karte 50/65 kn I Pretprodaja: VIB & Dirty Old Shop

General Woo se vraća u Vintage Industrial 11. siječnja 2018. te sa sobom dovodi svoj bend Funkstere! Ne propustite najbolje od hrvatskog hip hopa u izvedbi Wooa & Funkstera!

Ovo nije samo još jedan rap koncert, ovo je koncertni rap spektakl za uho,oko i dušu. Ovo je repchuga live!

Pravo ime mu je Srđan Ćuk, a nadimak Woo (VU) je vezan uz njegov rodni grad Vukovar. Woo-ova hip-hop priča počinje se odvijati početkom devedesetih kada dolazi u Zagreb već potpuno „zaražen“ hip-hopom i sudjeluje u par demo bendova koji se okupljaju oko kultne emisije Blackout Rap Show. 1996. sa Nenadom Šimunom (Target) osniva sastav Tram 11. Do raspada sastava 2003. objavili su tri studijska albuma i tri kompilacije.

2002. godina će biti godina njegovog samostalnog rada. Izašao je njegov album jednostavnog naziva „General Woo“. Album je najavila izvrsna retro zezalica pod nazivom „Fix“, koja predstavlja duhoviti osvrt na osamdesete i stvari koje su tada bile in. Na albumu gostuje čitav niz poznatih imena: Target, Bolesna braća, Ivana Kindl, Ivana Husar iz Divasica i mnogi drugi.

2005. u suradnji sa zagrebačkim raperom Neredom pod etiketom Menarta, izlazi album Baš je lijep ovaj svijet. Iza čega su se zaredala još tri albuma.

Najnovije osvježenje se dogodilo 11.studenog 2017. kad je nakon jako, jako dugo vremena Dom Sportova napunio Tram 11. Još bi? Za početak glazbenog namiravanja, vidimo se u četvrtak 11. siječnja u Vintage Industrialu.

1999. Tram 11 – Čovječe ne ljuti se
2000. Tram 11 – Vrućina gradskog asfalta
2003. Tram 11 – Tajna crne kutije
2002. General Woo – Takozvani
2005. General Woo – Baš je lijep ovaj svijet sa Neredom
2006. General Woo – Krv nije voda
2011. General Woo – Verbalni Delikt
2014. General Woo – Pad Sistema

Više informacija o programu Vintage Industriala: 11.1.2018. General Woo & Funksteri @Vintage Industrial Bar And Doors 20:00 h And Concert 21:30 h And Maps 50/65 kn I Pre-sale: VIB & Dirty Old Shop

General Woo returns to Vintage Industrial on January 11, 2018 and brings with him his band Funkster! Do not miss the best of Croatian hip hop in the performance of Woo & Funkster!

This is not just another rap concert, this is a concert rap spectacle for the ear, the eye and the soul. This is a rip off live!

His real name is Srđan Ćuk, and the nickname Woo (VU) is related to his hometown of Vukovar. Woo’s hip-hop story begins at the beginning of the nineties when it comes to Zagreb, but is completely „infected“ with hip hop and participates in a couple of demo bands gathering around the cult show Blackout Rap Show. In 1996 with Nenad Simun (Target) founded Tram 11. Until the band’s breakup in 2003, they released three studio albums and three compilations.

2002 will be the year of his independent work. He left his album of the simple name „General Woo“. The album has announced an excellent retro jigsaw called „Fix,“ which represents a ghastly review of the eighties and the things that were then. There are a number of famous names on the album: Target, Sick Brothers, John Kindl, Ivana Husar from Divasica and many others.

In 2005, in cooperation with the Zagreb raper Neredom under the label Menarta, the album is released This is a beautiful world. Behind that, there were three other albums.

The latest refreshment happened on November 11, 2017, when after a very, very long period of time, Dom Sportov had filled Tram 11. To begin the music jargon, we see you on Thursday, January 11, at Vintage Industrial.

1999. Tram 11 – The man does not get angry
2000. Tram 11 – The heat of the urban asphalt
2003. Tram 11 – Secret Black Boxes
2002. General Woo – Takozvani
2005 General Woo – This is a beautiful world with Neredom
2006. General Woo – Blood is not water
2011 General Woo – Verbal Delikt
2014. General Woo – Pad System

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