Svetska džipsi pank-rok atrakcija Gogol Bordello održaće koncert 28. maja (21:00) 2018. godine u Bašti Studentskog kulturnog centra Beograda, u okviru svetske turneje povodom novog albuma „Seekers And Finders“!
„Lavina gneva pretvorenog u radost ide ka vama… Psihička tortura pretvorena u telepatsku ljubav, takođe! Vidimo se na putu, rođaci!“, poručuje Gogol Bordello.
Ulaznica u pretprodaji košta 2.000 dinara preko mreže Eventim.
Predvođen harizmatičnim muzičarem Eugenom Hacom (Eugene Hutz), poreklom iz Ukrajine, multietnički Gogol Bordello je za skoro dve decenije postojanja zahvaljujući visokoenergetskim živim nastupima stekao zavidnu reputaciju, kao „globalno najuzbudljivija koncertna atrakcija koja je došla iz Njujorka (Billboard)” i “svetski najbuntovničkiji bend uživo (Rolling Stone)”.
Svojim energični nastupima Gogol Bordello opčinio je publiku najvećih svetskih festivala kakvi su Coachella, Lollapalooza, Bonnaroo, Roskilde… a bend je svoj status učvrstio nizom odlično prihvaćenih albuma.
Tako je „Super Taranta!“ (2007) ugledni američki kritičar Robert Christgau ocenio kao “najbolji album decenije. Tačka.“, dok je za „Seekers and Finders“ (2017) uticajni recenzentski portal Allmusic rekao da je „buntovan, dirljiv i zabavan, kao i bilo šta drugo što je do sada snimio Gogol Bordello“.
“Za mene je muzika način da istražim ljudske mogućnosti. To je moja glavna zanimacija u životu – ljudske mogućnosti. Svi znamo da ima negde u nama nešto što ne koristimo. Kako do toga? Kako to doseći? Pa sam jednog dana samo sebi rekao ‘idem da to pronađem“, kaže Hutz.World Jeeps Punk-Rock Attraction Gogol Bordello will hold a concert on May 28 (21:00) in 2018 in the Garden of the Student Cultural Center of Belgrade, as part of a worldwide tour on the new album „Seekers And Finders“!
„The avalanche of anger turned into joy goes to you … Psychic torture turned into telepathic love, too! See you on the way, cousins!“ Says Gogol Bordello.
The pre-sale ticket costs 2.000 dinars via the Eventim network.
Guided by charismatic musician Eugene Hutz, originally from Ukraine, Gogol Bordello’s multi-ethnicity has gained an enviable reputation for almost two decades of existence thanks to high-energy live performances, as „the world’s most exciting concert attraction coming from New York (Billboard)“ and „World’s Most Beneficial „Rolling Stone“.
With his energetic performances, Gogol Bordello impressed the audience with the biggest world festivals such as Coachella, Lollapalooza, Bonnaroo, Roskilde … and the band consolidated their status with a series of well-accepted albums.
That’s the way „Super Taranto!“ (2007) esteemed American critic Robert Christgau as „the best album of the decade. Dot. „, While for the“ Seekers and Finders „(2017), influential reviewer portal Allmusic said it was“ rebellious, touching and fun, like anything else that Gogol Bordello has ever produced. “
„For me, music is a way to explore human possibilities. This is my main occupation in life – human opportunities. We all know there’s something in us that we do not use. How to do this? How to achieve this? So one day I just said to myself, ‘I’m going to find it,’ says Hutz.