Najbolja nedelja u gradu! „Vrući Jazz“ u Poletu!
Gypsy jazz, poznat i kao gypsy swing, stil je džez muzike započet 1930-ih godina od strane gitariste Jean Reinhardt – Đanga.
Kako to zvuči u izvođenju Andrije Vojvodića (kontrabas), Aleksandra Biblije (gitara) i Nikole Miloradovića (klarinet) možete čuti u Poletu gde će se i ove nedelje zaoriti zvuci ciganskog džeza, brzog tempa, a najdubljih emocija.
Oživljavamo zvuke ciganskog džeza vodeći vas kroz najpoznatije deonice jednog od najznačajnijih gitarista svih vremena, Đanga Rajnharda.
Ulaz je besplatan, a svirka počinje u 20h.The best Sunday in town! „Hot Jazz“ in Polet!
Gypsy jazz, also known as gypsy swing, is a style of jazz music begun in the 1930s by guitarist Jean Reinhardt – Gang.
How it sounds in the performance of Andrija Vojvodic (double bass), Aleksandar Biblija (guitar) and Nikola Miloradovic (clarinet) you can hear in Polet where the sounds of gypsy jazz, fast pace, and deepest emotions are going to crack this week.
We are reviving the sounds of a gypsy jazz, leading you through the most famous parts of one of the most important guitarists of all time, Gang Reinhard.
The entrance is free, and the gig is starting at 20h.