Sreda 10.01. rezervisana je za novi Matine u Disciplina Store-u od 18-22h.
BUDIMO HUMANI i u toku ovonedeljnog Matinea, gde za vas vrte DJ Premai Funk Technik Group – FTG.
Disciplina je za vas pripremila poklon pakete, a njihova vrednost zavisi od broja poslatih SMS poruka humanitarnoj organizaciji.
Očekujemo vas na lepom druženju, na poznatoj adresi!Wednesday 10.01. is reserved for the new Matine at the Discipline Store from 18-22h.
WE WILL BE HUMAN and during this weekend Matineo, where DJ Premai Funk Technik Group – FTG.
Disciplina going for you.
The discipline has prepared gift packages for you, and their value depends on the number of sent SMS messages to the humanitarian organization.
We are expecting you in a nice gathering, at the famous address!