ČETVRTAK 12.07.2018.
UPAD 160/180 KN
Nakon više od 4 godine, američke legende heavy metala vraćaju se u Zagreb! Ovi miljenici domaćih ljubitelja žestoke glazbe svakim svojim nastupom privlače veliki broj posjetitelja stoga je za očekivati ponovo ogroman interes publike željne spektakularnog old school heavy metala. Pogotovo što Iced Earth dolaze na krilima sjajnog novog albuma “Incorruptible” kojeg mnogi stavljaju uz bok njihovih najvećih remek djela iz 90-tih. Zasigurno hvalevrijedan podatak s obzirom na impresivan katalog vrhunskih pjesama nastalih tijekom 30-tak godina djelovanja benda. Očito da ekipi okupljenoj oko masterminda i glazbenog genijalca Jona Schaffera energije i svježine ne samo da ne ponestaje, nego bend uživa u jednom od najtrijumfalnijih razdoblja duge karijere. Razni glazbeni trendovi nastajali su i nestajali tijekom godina, a Iced Earth i dalje neumorno i beskompromisno stoje na braniku heavy metala dokazujući da i dalje postoji brojna publika nezasitna njihovog glazbenog izričaja. Njihovi albumi nepovratno su utkani u povijest metal glazbe, a njihovi koncerti nešto što se ne propušta. Stoga je već sad jasno da se zasigurno radi o jednom od vrhunaca heavy metal koncertne ponude u ovoj godini.
Cijena ulaznice za ovaj događaj je 160 kn u pretprodaji, odnosno 180 kn na dan koncerta na blagajni kluba.
Pretprodajna mjesta:
• Klub Močvara, Trnjanski nasip bb (za vrijeme trajanja programa)
• Dirty Old Empire, Tratinska 18
• Rockmark, Berislavićeva 13
Online prodaja ulaznica:
• Dirty Old Shop: bit.ly/
• Rockmark: bit.ly/IcedEarth-RockmarTHURSDAY 12.07.2018.
UPAD 160/180 KN
After more than 4 years, American heavy metals legend returns to Zagreb! These enthusiasts of domestic music lovers of fierce music are attracted by a large number of visitors each time, so it is to be expected again to attract a huge audience interest in the spectacular old school heavy metal. Especially that Iced Earth comes on the wings of a great new album, „Incorruptible,“ which many put on the side of their greatest masterpiece from the ’90s. It is certainly a praise given the impressive list of top songs that have been produced during the band’s 30 years of operation. Obviously, the team gathered around the mastermind and music genius Jonah Schaffer of energy and freshness not only does not pass, but the band enjoys one of the most gruesome periods of long career. Various music trends have emerged and disappeared over the years, and Iced Earth continues to be tirelessly and uncompromisingly standing on the heavy metal bumper, proving that there are still many audiences insatiable to their musical expression. Their albums have been irretrievably woven into the history of metal music, and their concerts are something that does not miss. So now it is clear that it is certainly one of the highlights of the heavy metal concert this year.
Ticket price for this event is 160 kn in pre-sale, or 180 kn on concert day at the cashier’s club.
Pre-sales places:
• Močvara Club, Trnjanski nasip bb (during the program)
• Dirty Old Empire, Tratinska 18
• Rockmark, Berislavićeva 13
Online ticket sales:
• Dirty Old Shop: bit.ly/
• Rockmark: bit.ly/IcedEarth-Rockmar