Veče ikone rock n rolla.
„Godfather of Punk“
James Newell Osterberg Jr.
Od 19h gledamo nagradjivani dokumentarni film o kultnom proto-punk bendu The Stooges „Gimme Danger“ iz 2016.
režija: Jim Jarmusch
Posle filma slušamo muziku što iz perioda sa Studžisima, što iz njegove kasnije solo karijere. Uz akcenat na njegova prva dva solo albuma „The Idiot“ i „Lust for Life“, nastala u saradnji sa Dejvidom Bouvijem, i na njegov za sada poslednji „Post Pop Depresion“.
Uz prigodan VJing u pozadini, jer Igijev scenski nastup je neizostavan deo.
Ponedeljak od 19hEvening icons rock n roll.
„Godfather of Punk“
James Newell Osterberg Jr.
From 19h, we are looking at a rewarded documentary film about the cult proto-punk band The Stooges „Gimme Danger“ from 2016.
directed by: Jim Jarmusch
After the film, we listen to music from the period with Studzis, from his later solo career. With the accent on his first two solo albums „The Idiot“ and „Lust for Life“, created in collaboration with David Bouvi and his last „Post Pop Depression“.
With a suitable VJing in the background, because Iggy’s stage performance is an indispensable part.
Monday of 19h