Cenjeni prijatelji,
Imamo neizrecivu čast da vas zovnemo na jedinstveno cirkusko putovanje u još neistržene krajeve Magacina u Kraljevića Marka.
Cirkusfera je provela mesece spremajući ovaj spontani skup i planirajući svaki detalj oslanjajući se na improvizaciju. Upravo ovaj metod rada organizacija želi da ostavi svojim novijim generacijama, pa tako tokom ove večeri nastupaju zajedno čak tri generacije jedne cirkuske organizacije.
Donacije od ulaznica biće nesebično date od strane publike i složene u raspadajući plesni pod istoimene sale ovog nezavisnog kulturnog centra.
Pored nastupa biće i muzike i druženja. Po svemu sledi vrhunski ugođaj.
Dobro nam došli.Dear friends,
We have an inexpressible honor to call you on a unique circus journey to the still unbroken ends of Magacin in Kraljević Marka.
The Circusfer spent months preparing this spontaneous meeting and planning each detail relying on improvisation. It is precisely this method of work that the organization wants to leave to its new generations, so that during this evenings, there are three generations of a circus organization.
Donations from tickets will be unselfishly given by the audience and complex in decomposing the dance floor of this independent cultural center.
Besides the performances, there will be music and socializing. Everything is followed by a superb atmosphere.