Akustični koncert sastava Kerber ponovo posle 20 godina!
Legendarni niški hard rok sastav Kerber održaće, sa gudačkim orkestrom, akustični beogradski koncert 12. decembra u Sava Centru.
Nakon prepunog koncerta u Hali sportova 2012.godine, hitovi poput Ratne igre, Nebo je malo za sve, Bolje da sam druge ljubio, Mama tata …i drugi, ovoga puta zagrmeće unplugged u najakustičnijem beogradskom koncertnom prostoru.
Bend je najavio da će ovo svakako biti jedan veoma poseban koncert, pošto unplugged podrazumeva neku drugačiju emociju. Kerber će u Sava Centru izvesti prearanžirane pesme uz pomoć prijatelja i gudačkog orkestra. Uz violine, ksilofon, kontabas i perkusije publika će moći da čuje svoje omiljene pesme izvedene na nešto drugačiji način.
“Prvi akustični koncert smo održali u Nišu 1994. godine, a potom i legendarni, dobro poznat javnosti, unplugged koncert u Novom Sadu 1996. godine i evo posle više od 20 godina sviramo takav koncert ponovo na velikoj sceni Sava Centra. To će biti jedan romantičan koncert sa najsavremenijim ozvučenjem i novom opremom koja po prvi put dolazi u Srbiju. Posebno nam je zanimljiv taj datum, jer je naš live album, pod nazivom 12.12.88, snimljen na koncertu u Domu omladine u Beogradu, baš 12-og decembra te davne 1988. godine. Nešto nas sudbinski veže za taj datum i radujem se što će publika moći da čuje naše stare hitove u novim aranžmanima. Na sceni će biti puno muzičara sa nama, čak će na kraju koncerta na bini biti i oko 80 ljudi. Ova forma nam baš leži i volimo da uživamo u neposrednom kontaktu sa publikom što nam ovaj način muziciranja i dozvoljava. Ovo je izazov za Kerber i jedva lekamo 12. decembar.”- Izjavio je Gale povodom predstojećeg koncerta.
Nakon unplugged koncerata u Nišu, Knjaževcu i Alkesincu koji su održani uz puno pozitivnog naboja i emocija, čemu je sigurno doprineo i proširen sastav, red je došao i na beogradsku publiku. Vidimo se u Sava Centru 12. decembra!
Grupa Kerber je aktivna na muzičkoj sceni više od 30 godina. Naziv grupe je ime bića iz grčke mitologije, troglavog psa sa zmijskim repom koji čuva ulaz u podzemni svet. Na vrata jugoslovenske rok scene grupa je ušla 1983. godine pobedom na čuvenom Omladinskom festivalu u Subotici, gde su se pre njih afirmisali bendovi poput „Idola”, „Filma” i drugih. Prve koncerte grupa je održala u niškim klubovima, a često je bila i predgrupa Galije. Album prvenac „Nebo je malo za sve” snimljen je polovinom 1983. godine. Njihovi koncerti u to vreme su bili karakteristični po Sosi, koji je svirao gitaru u obliku sekire, a na bini je gutao i bljuvao vatru. Trideset godina kasnije bend i dalje puni hale i veliki koncertne prostore širom Srbije.
Acoustic concert of Kerber again after 20 years!
The legendary Nizhki hard rock ensemble Kerber will hold, with a string orchestra, an acoustic Belgrade concert on December 12th in the Sava Center.
After a full concert in Hali Sports in 2012, hits like War Games, Heaven is a bit for everyone, I better have loved myself, Mama Dad … and others, will be unblocked this time in the most concerted Belgrade concert hall.
The band announced that this will surely be a very special concert, since unplugged means a different emotion. Kerber will perform pre-rendered songs in Sava Center with the help of friends and string orchestra. With violins, xylophone, contrabass and percussion, the audience will be able to hear their favorite songs performed in a slightly different way.
„We performed the first acoustic concert in Niš in 1994, and then the legendary, well-known public, an unplugged concert in Novi Sad in 1996 and after more than 20 years we play such a concert again on the big scene of the Sava Center. It will be a romantic concert with the latest sound system and new equipment that comes to Serbia for the first time. This date is especially interesting to us, because our live album, 12.12.88, was recorded at a concert at the Youth Center in Belgrade, just on December 12th and back in 1988. Something fateful for that date, and I’m looking forward to the audience being able to hear our old hits in new arrangements. There will be a lot of music on the stage with us, even at the end of the concert on the stage there will be about 80 people. This form really lies and we love to enjoy direct contact with the audience, which allows us this way of music. This is a challenge for Kerber and we can barely deal with December 12th. „- Gale declared on the occasion of the upcoming concert.
After the unplugged concerts in Niš, Knjazevac and Alkesinc, held with a lot of positive charge and emotions, which was certainly contributed by the extended composition, the order came to the Belgrade audience. See you at the Sava Center on December 12th!
Kerber has been active on the music scene for more than 30 years. The name of the group is the name of beings from Greek mythology, a three-headed dog with a snake’s tail that keeps the entrance to the underground world. At the gate of the Yugoslav rock scene, the band entered the 1983th festival with a victory at the famous Youth Festival in Subotica, where bands such as Idol, Film and others were affirmed before them. The first group concerts were held in Nis clubs, and it was often pre-group of Gauls. Album debut „Heaven is a little for everything“ was recorded in mid-1983. Their concerts at that time were characteristic of Sosi, who played guitar in the shape of a chopper, and on the stage he swallowed and blown the fire. Thirty years later, the band is still full of halls and large concert venues across Serbia.
Ticket price: 1000, 1300, 1500, 1800, 2000 and 2500 din