When Tomorrow Comes je njihov zajednički koncert kroz koji Meri Jaman, Anita Valo (Meritas) i Jelena Radan s užitkom izvode pjesme autora i izvođača koji su ih pratili kroz njihovo sazrijevanje do danas. Zapravo su započele samo sa ženskim pismom, ali su kroz godine nastupanja u ovoj kombinaciji, proširile glazbenu priču na pjesme koje im nešto znače i za koje bi voljele da su pisane za njih. Osim stranih, na popisu su i njihove autorske pjesme, a uz pratnju glazbenika Ivana Božanića na bas gitari, Zdeslava Klarića na klavijaturama i Tina Ostreša na cajonu.
Ovo je svojevrsna poslastica jer u ovom obliku u Zagrebu već dugo nisu klupski zasvirale, a i publici koja ih je dosad doživjela očito ima nešto zanosno u ovoj kombinaciji tri sasvim različite osobnosti i vokala.
Pridružite im se u ovoj rijetkoj prilici, poklonite sebi i svojim boljim polovicama ili prijatelji(ca)ma izlazak na Dan żena u Sax 8. ožujka.
Početak koncerta je u 21 sat.
Ulaznice se mogu osigurati u klubu Sax za 55 kuna u pretprodaji dok za 70 kuna ukoliko se pričeka sam dan koncerta.When Tomorrow Comes is their joint concert through which Mary Jaman, Anita Valo (Meritas) and Jelena Radan perform pleasantly songs from authors and performers who followed them through their maturation to date. In fact, they only started with a woman’s letter, but through the years of performing in this combination, they expanded the musical story to songs that mean something to them and they would love to be written for them. Apart from foreign ones, their author’s songs are also on the list, accompanied by the musician Ivan Božanić on bass guitar, Zdeslav Klarić on keyboards and Tina Ostreša on the cajon.
This is a kind of delicacy, because in this form in Zagreb they have not been clubbing for a long time, and the audience that has come to them has obviously something ecstatic in this combination of three completely different personages and vocals.
Join them in this rare occasion, give yourself and your better half-siblings or friends (c) to go to the Women’s Day in Sax on March 8th.
The beginning of the concert is at 21 o’clock.
Tickets can be provided at the Sax club for 55 kunas at pre-order, while for 70 kunas if the concert day is expected.