Muzička fuzija u KC Gradu: MIŠKO PLAVI TRIO feat. Vasil Hadžimanov i Srđan Dunkić!
Nedelja 21h
Miško Plavi Trio već tradicionalno nastupa pred publikom KC Grada sa uigranim sastavom koji, pored njega, čine Vasil Hadžimanov (sinti bas i klavijature) i Srđan Dunkić na bubnjevima. Ovoga puta u jeku priprema za novogodišnje praznike, 24.decembra od 22h uigrani trojac spreman je da ponovo oduševi publiku svojim muzičkim bravurama.
Milivoje Petrović (Miško Plavi) je multiinstrumentalista koji se pojavio na novotalasnoj rok sceni početkom osamdesetih godina kao gitarista, basista i klavijaturista sarađujući sa bendovima: Via Talas, D’Boys, Piloti, Ekatarina Velika, i dr. Poslednjih godina njegova preokupacija je harmonika, a sa ovim instrumentom izgradio je značajnu svetsku karijeru.
Od 2000. godine izvodi program Music Around the World sa kojim je održao više od 200 koncerata u Japanu gde je objavio i album „Istok ljubi zapad“.
Autor je muzike za nekoliko srpskih, francuskih i američkih filmova.
Vasil Hadžimanov prepoznatljiv je kao predvodnik VH band-a,vodećeg fusion sastava na ovim prostorima. Školovao se na čuvenom Berklee koledžu, a tokom kratkog boravka u Njujorku sredinom devedesetih svirao je sa muzičarima kao što su Matt Garrison, Rodney Holmes, David Binney, Danny Sedownick, itd.
Srđan Dunkić – Johnny jedan je od najtraženijih studijskih muzičara u regionu. Karijeru je počeo već kao dvanaestogodisnjak. Bivši je član VH band-a, a nastupao je i snimao sa
mnogim poznatim muzičarima i grupama (Bata Kovač, K2, Zana, Dragoljub Đuričić, Fuzzbox). U svojoj bogatoj muzičkoj biografiji može se pohvaliti i nastupima sa čuvenim Cosey Powell-om na njegovoj evropskoj turneji.
Cena karte 600 rsdMusic fusion in KC Grad: MISKO PLAVI TRIO feat. Vasil Hadzimanov and Srdjan Dunkic!
Sanday 09 pm
Miško Plavi Trio already traditionally performs in front of the audience of the CC City with a strong band, which is composed of Vasil Hadžimanov (sinti bass and keyboards) and Srdjan Dunkić on drums. This time in preparation for the New Year’s holidays, on December 24th, from 22h, a trio will be ready to rehearse the audience with their music bravura.
Milivoje Petrovic (Miško Plavi) is a multi-instrumentalist who appeared on the new-born rock scene in the early eighties as guitarists, bassists and keyboards in collaboration with bands: Via Talas, D’Boys, Piloti, Ekatarina Velika, and others. In recent years, his preoccupation has been accordion, and with this instrument he has built a significant world career.
Since 2000, he has been performing Music Around the World with over 200 concerts in Japan, where he also released the album „East Love West“.
He is the author of music for several Serbian, French and American films.
Vasil Hadžimanov is recognized as the leader of the VH band, the leading fusion band in this region. He studied at the famous Berklee College, and during a short stay in New York in the mid-1990s he played with musicians such as Matt Garrison, Rodney Holmes, David Binney, Danny Sedownick, etc.
Srdjan Dunkic – Johnny is one of the most sought-after studio musicians in the region. He began his career as a twelve-year-old. He was a former member of VH band, and he performed and recorded with
many famous musicians and groups (Bata Kovac, K2, Zana, Dragoljub Djuricic, Fuzzbox). In his rich musical biography, he can boast of performances with the famous Cosey Powell on his European tour.
Ticket price 600 rsd