Subota 27. januar 2018. od 22h
Jedan od najvećih gradskih partimejkera, nebojsa markovic osnivač legendarog benda intruder, polovina DJ tima Navigatorz i rezident DJ najpoznatijih gradskih klubova u poslednjih petnestak godina (Šlep, Kenozoik, Favela, Peron, Ludost, Maska, Supermarket, Dvorištance, Ben Akiba…) ove subote donosi atmosferu prave kućne žurke u klub 🙂
Ulaz je besplatan do ponoći, posle ponoći ulaz sa uračunatom garderobom 200 dinara 🙂
Rezervacije stolova porukom u inbox pejdža ŠtraftaOne of the biggest city partimakers, nebojsa markovic founder of the legendary band intruder, half of the DJ team Navigatorz and resident DJ of the most famous city clubs in the last fifteen years (Šlep, Kenozoik, Favela, Peron, Ludost, Maska, Supermarket, Dvorištanci, Ben Akiba …) this Saturday brings the atmosphere of a real home party to the club 🙂
The entry is free until midnight, after midnight, with the included dressing room 200 dinars 🙂
Reserving tables with a message in the inbox Strafta