SREDA, 06. DECEMBAR 2017. U 19:00
U razgovoru učestvuju: Nina Jargekov; Katarina Trajković, prevoditeljica romana i glavni urednik Arhipelaga Gojko Božović
Ulaz je slobodan, izbor je jednostavan: ne možete pogrešiti!
Francuski institut u Srbiji, Arhipelag i Dom omladine Beograda organizuju susret i razgovor s poznatom francuskom književnicom Ninom Jargekov, autorkom romana Dvojno državljanstvo.
Književno veče Nine Jargekov deo je turneje ove autorke po Srbiji, tokom koje će u prvoj nedelji decembra posetiti i Novi Sad i Kragujevac, obići nekoliko kulturnih institucija i imati više susreta sa piscima i čitaocima u Srbiji. Nina Jargekov dolazi u Srbiju na poziv Francuskog instituta u Srbiji i Izdavačke kuće Arhipelag.
Srpsko izdanje romana Dvojno državljanstvo u Arhipelagu prvo je izdanje ovog romana Nine Jargekov izvan francuskog jezika.
Za ovaj roman, objavljen krajem prošle godine u Francuskoj, Nina Jargekov je dobila Nagradu „Flor“.
Dvojno državljanstvo je roman o ženi koja pati od amnezije a obrela se na aerodromu, s dva pasoša, dve kulture, dva jezika. „Budiš se na aerodromu. Ne znaš ko si, ni kuda ideš. Imaš u torbu dva pasoša. Nosiš sjajnu krunu, a osećaš se kao ukradeni auto. Kako iz ove amnezije osmisliti život? Ponoviti ga? Iako su to, u stvari, bila dva života?“ tako se junakinja romana pita u jednom izuzetnom trenutku svog života koji deli s mnogim emigrantima, iseljenicima i mladim ljudima u Evropi čiji su identiteti i državljanstva ukršteni.
Kao što i sam naslov sugeriše, to je ključna tema novog romana Nina Jargekov: kako se nositi sa dve kulture, sa dva jezika, sa dva senzibiliteta, kako, u stvari, voditi dvostruki život? Ili, s druge strane, kako podržati zemlju u kojoj živimo kada se ona, po svemu sudeći, sprema da usvoji Zakon o zabrani dvojnog državljanstva?
Rođena 1980. godine, Nina Jargekov je francuska književnica mađarskog porekla. Piše romane, bavi se prevođenjem i sociologijom. Doktorirala je iz oblasti sociologije prava. Predaje na univerzitetu. Pruža i obuku za socijalne radnike koji rade s porodicama u teškoćama. Takođe je francuski-mađarski i mađarski-francuski prevodilac iz sudske administracije. Dobitnik je „Misije Stendal“ (2012), stipendije francuskog Nacionalnog centra za knjigu, kao i Nagrade „Flor“ za roman Dvojno državljanstvo (2016). Objavila je romane: Ubiti Katrin (2009), Bićete moji svedoci (2011) i Dvojno državljanstvo (2016). Nina Jargekov živi u Parizu.LITERAL EVE: NINA JARGEKOV IN BELGRADE
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2017 At 19:00
The discussion is attended by: Nina Jargekov; Katarina Trajković, translator of the novel and editor-in-chief of the Arhipelag Gojko Božović
The entrance is free, the choice is simple: you can not make a mistake!
The French Institute in Serbia, the Archipelago and the Youth Center of Belgrade, organize a meeting and a conversation with the famous French writer Nino Jargekov, author of the novel Dual Citizenship.
Literary evening Nina Jarget’s part is a tour of this author in Serbia, during which she will visit Novi Sad and Kragujevac in the first week of December, visit several cultural institutions, and have more meetings with writers and readers in Serbia. Nina Jargekov is coming to Serbia at the invitation of the French Institute in Serbia and the Arhipelag Publishing House.
Serbian edition of the novel Dual citizenship in the Archipelago is the first edition of this novel by Nina Jaragkova outside the French language.
For this novel, published at the end of last year in France, Nina Jargekov received the „Flor“ Award.
Dual citizenship is a novel about a woman who suffers from amnesia and has been rushed to the airport, with two passports, two cultures, two languages. „You’re flying at the airport. You do not know who you are or where you are going. You have two passports in your bag. You’re wearing a great crown, and you feel like a stolen car. How to make life from this amnesia? Repeat it? Even though this was actually two lives? „So the heroine’s novel is asked at one exceptional moment in her life that she shares with many emigrants, emigrants and young people in Europe whose identity and citizenship is crossed.
As the title itself suggests, this is the key theme of the new novel by Nina Jargekov: how to deal with two cultures, with two languages, with two sensibilities, how, in fact, to lead a double life? Or, on the other hand, how to support the country we live in, when it seems to be preparing to adopt the Law on the Prohibition of Dual Citizenship?
Born in 1980, Nina Jargekov is a French writer of Hungarian descent. He writes novels, engages in translation and sociology. She received her doctorate in the field of sociology of law. He teaches at the university. It also provides training for social workers working with families in difficulty. He is also a French-Hungarian and Hungarian-French interpreter from the court administration. He received the „Mission Stendhal“ (2012), scholarships from the French National Book Center, and the „Flor“ Prize for the novel Dual Citizenship (2016). She has published novels: Kill Katrin (2009), You Will Be My Witnesses (2011) and Dual Citizenship (2016). Nina Jargekov lives in Paris.