Northwest (UK) 21.02.2018. KC Lab

Northwest (UK)  21.02.2018. KC Lab
Dr.Hempta 2, Novi Sad
Novi SadSrbija

Eksperimentalni dream pop bend iz Engleske, Northwest, održaće koncert 21. februara u Kulturnom Centru LAB u Novom Sadu. Kao podrška nastupiće art-rock projekat Al Berkowitz (London) i lokalni ambijent lo-fi duo Дримкрафт i Ivan Čkonjević.

Program počinje u 21:00. Cena ulaznice je 200 dinara.

Northwest trenutno važi za jedan od najperspektivnijih umetničkih projekata na nezavisnoj muzičkoj sceni. Njihov zvuk definisan je kao ”nostalgičan, nov, eksperimentalan, sinematičan, eteričan” i upoređivan sa delima velikana kao što su Portishead, Cocteau Twins, Debussy i Rober Wyatt.

Northwest je nastao krajem 2015. godine kada su se multi-instrumentalista, kompozitor i producent Ignacio Simón i vizuelna umetnica i kompozitorka Mariuca García-Lomas preselili iz Španije u Veliku Britaniju. Ovaj umetnički par je prvih godinu dana na novom tlu proveo na proputovanju kroz Englesku i Škotsku. Inspirisani ovim putovanjima počeli su da rade na svom prvom albumu koji je napisan i snimljen za manje od godinu dana, u izolaciji u jednom selu blizu Londona. Medijsku pažnju stekli su svojim prvim singlovima (“Reflection”, “Wind” i “Look At Me”) koje su snimili u svom kućnom studiju i samostalno objavili početkom 2016. godine, uz minimalnu promociju. Sve tri kompozicije prate efektni i zagonetni video snimci koji su autorsko delo pevačice Mariuce.

Northwest su svojom kreativnošću uspeli da stvore originalnu i drugačiju atmosferu: jedinstvenu mešavinu eksperimentalnih jazz ritmova, tajanstvenih i magičnih vokala, klasične muzike, delikatne produkcije i nostalgičnih tekstova. Njihov predstojeći debi album, koji će biti izdat u toku 2018. godine, jedan je od najočekivanijih albuma na nezavisnoj muzičkoj i umetničkoj sceni. Najbolji dokaz toj činjenici su dva nedavno objavljena singla, predivne kompozicije “Same Old Sky” i “Sun” koje uz propratne sinematične video prezentacije idealno najavljuju zvuk i estetiku prve zvanične Northwest ploče.

Al Berkowitz je art rock projekat pod vođstvom kompozitora i producenta Ignacia Simóna (Northwest). Sastav je osnovan 2006. godine u Madridu i pored Ignacia punu postavu čine i Lorenzo Palomares (bubanj) i Santiago Estrada (bas gitara). Do sada su objavili dva studijska albuma, “Barely Nice” (2009) i “A Long Hereafter / Nothing Beyond” (2013), izdanja koja su osvojila sjajne recenzije, naročito u Španiji, Austriji i Velikoj Britaniji. Na koncertu u Novom Sadu Ignacio Simón nastupiće solo i na akustičnoj gitari izvesti nekoliko Al Berkowitz numera.

„Дримкрафт“ je lo-fi projekat Igora Devića (jednog od osnivača alternativnog sastava Hton). Suština koncepta je ispisivanje dnevnika snova i snolikih predstava putem muzike. Centralnu postavku ovog minimalističkog opusa prožimaju noćne periferne vizjije, spora pulsirajuća hipnoza i ambijentalna elektronika. Krajem 2017.godine projekat Дримкрафт se udružuje sa ambijentalnim umetnikom i multiinstrumentalistom Ivanom Čkonjevićem, sa kojim objavljuje aktuelno izdanje „Месечарење“, kao i nekoliko samoinicijativnih rescore-ova za uglavnom zaboravljene neme filmove s početka prošlog veka. Дримкрафт i Ivan Čkonjević su deo neobičnog alternativnog label-a „Етикета 4“, koji promoviše muzičare putem fizičko-virtuelnih izdanja, formata razglednice, na čijoj se poleđini nalazi QR code za download link singla, EP-a ili albuma. experimental dream pop band from England, Northwest, will hold a concert on February 21 at the Cultural Center LAB in Novi Sad. Supporting will be the art-rock project Al Berkowitz (London) and the local ambient lo-fi duo Drimkraft and Ivan Čkonjević.

The program starts at 21:00. The price of the ticket is 200 dinars.

Northwest is currently considered one of the most promising art projects in the independent music scene. Their sound is defined as „nostalgic, new, experimental, sinematical, ethereal“ and compared with the works of giants such as Portishead, Cocteau Twins, Debussy and Robert Wyatt.

Northwest was created at the end of 2015 when the multi-instrumentalist, composer and producer Ignacio Simón and visual artist and composer Mariuca García-Lomas moved from Spain to the United Kingdom. He spent this first couple of years on the new ground traveling through England and Scotland. Inspired by these journeys, they started working on their first album, written and recorded in less than a year, in isolation in a village near London. They paid media attention to their first singles („Reflection“, „Wind“ and „Look At Me“) that they recorded in their home studio and independently announced in early 2016, with minimal promotion. All three compositions are accompanied by effective and mysterious videos that are the author’s work of the singer Mariuce.

Northwest have been able to create an original and different atmosphere with their creativity: a unique blend of experimental jazz rhythms, mysterious and magical vocals, classical music, delicate production and nostalgic texts. Their forthcoming debut album, to be released in 2018, is one of the most anticipated albums in an independent music and art scene. The best proof of this fact are the two recently released singles, the beautiful compositions „Same Old Sky“ and „Sun“ which along with accompanying symetrical video presentations perfectly announce the sound and aesthetics of the first official Northwest plate.

Al Berkowitz is an art rock project led by composer and producer Ignacio Simón (Northwest). The composition was established in 2006 in Madrid and in addition to Ignacio, the full set includes Lorenzo Palomares (drum) and Santiago Estrada (bass guitar). So far they have released two studio albums, „Barely Nice“ (2009) and „A Long Hereafter / Nothing Beyond“ (2013), releases that won great reviews, especially in Spain, Austria and the UK. At the concert in Novi Sad Ignacio Simón will perform solo and perform several Al Berkowitz tracks on the acoustic guitar.

„Drimkraft“ is the lo-fi project of Igor Devic (one of the founders of the alternative composition of Hton). The essence of the concept is to print dream magazines and snorkelings through music. The central setting of this minimalist opus permeates night peripheral vision, slow pulsating hypnosis, and ambient electronics. At the end of 2017, the Drimkraft project is merging with an amateur artist and multi-instrumentalist Ivan Čkonjević, with whom he publishes the current issue of „Moonlighting“, as well as several self-initiated rescores for mostly forgotten silent films from the beginning of the last century. Drimkraft and Ivan Čkonjević are part of the unusual alternative label „Etiketa 4“, which promotes musicians through physical-virtual editions, postcard formats, on the back of which is the QR code for download link singles, EPs or albums.


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