Simpatični duo „Nuša&Pavi“ je ulični bend iz Beograda.
Ovi muzički entuzijasti putuju Evropom i sviraju po ulicama,
trgovima, pijacama, barovima, i svuda gde im to uslovi dozvole. Ovog leta svirali su u preko 30 gradova širom Balkana.
Muzički stil im se kreće od jazz standarda preko poznatih tema iz
crtaća i filmova do ciganskih, balkanskih i grčkih pesama u
jednom novom i šašavom jazzy i swing maniru.
Nakon koncerta za šlag na torti bice zadužene Maki&Biba
Sve što ste ikada želeli da čujete, i čuli ste, čućete opet :)The cute duo „Nusa & Pavi“ is a street band from Belgrade.
These music enthusiasts travel through Europe and play the streets,
squares, markets, bars, and wherever conditions permit them. This year they played in over 30 cities throughout the Balkans.
Music style moves from jazz standards through familiar themes from
cartoons and films to Gypsy, Balkan and Greek songs
one new and silly jazzy and swing manner.
Maki & Biba will be in charge after the concert for cream on the cake
Everything you ever wanted to hear, and you heard, you’ll hear again 🙂
Nuša&Pavi – Biba&Maki 02.02.2018. Idiot bar

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