Sviđa ti se ovaj događaj?
Pozorišni spektakl, predstava KING irske pozorišne trupe Fishamble ekskluzivni je gost BIF-a ove godine! 

Dođite da vidite priču o usamljeniku Luteru koji nosi ime po Martinu Luteru Kingu – danju ne izlazi iz svog doma, a noću se „pretvara“ u jednog sasvim drugog kralja – Elvisa Prislija. Priča koju maestralno nosi Pat Kinevan pokazuje nam čoveka koji, poput bilo koga od nas, pokušava da se prilagodi svetu a da i dalje živi u skladu sa sobom i svojim željama i snovima.
Nada, želje, snovi, životni izazovi, strahovi i…ples! 

Glumu Peta Kinevana u ovoj predstavi, londonski Gardijan je nazvao – blistavom, zbog lepote pokreta, fantastične igre svetlom na pozornici i dubokog emotivnog izraza koji je uspešno prenet publici.

The theatrical spectacle, the performance KING by the Irish theater company Fishamble, is an exclusive guest of this year’s BIF! 

Come and see the story of a loner named Luther, who bears the name of Martin Luther King – during the day, he never leaves his home, but at night, he „transforms“ into a completely different king – Elvis Presley. The story, masterfully carried by Pat Kinevane, shows us a man who, like any of us, tries to adapt to the world while still living in harmony with himself and his desires and dreams.
Hope, desires, dreams, life challenges, fears, and… dance! 

The performance of Pat Kinevane in this play, as described by The Guardian in London, is brilliant, due to the beauty of movement, fantastic use of light on stage, and deep emotional expression successfully conveyed to the audience.

Tickets are available for purchase online via the website, as well as at the Bitef Theater.