Kino Urania & Kinematografi Osijek
Filmski program Goethe-Instituta
30.10. Who am I – Nijedan sustav nije siguran Who Am I – Kein System ist sicher
6.11. Otac
20.11. Veliko finale HIN UND WEG
27.11. Država protiv Fritza Bauera Der Staat gegen Fritz Bauer
30.11. Četiri kralja 4 Könige
S početkom u rujnu 2017. godine Goethe-Institut Kroatien šalje po prvi put na putovanje po hrvatskim gradovima izbor najznačajnijih i najboljih njemačkih filmova i koprodukcija. Pod nazivom „Filmovi na putu” obuhvaćeni su filmovi prikazani na Berlinaleu i dobitnici prestižne Njemačke filmske nagrade. Osim u Čakovcu, filmovi će gostovati u Splitu, Osijeku, Koprivinici i Rijeci. Termini naknadno.
„Filmovi na putu” su projekt Goethe-Instituta Kroatien u suradnji s Odjelom za film Goethe-Instituta u Münchenu, kao i Goethe-Institutima u Srbiji i Bosni i Hercegovini.
Who Am I – Kein System ist sicher
Njemačka 2014., 106 min., u boji
Režija: Baran bo Odar
Scenarij: Baran bo Odar, Jantje Friese
Uloge: Tom Schilling, Elyas M’Barek, Wotan Wilke Möhring
Nagrade: Njemačka filmska nagrada 2015. za najbolju montažu i najbolju scenografiju; Bavarska filmska nagrada 2015. za najbolju režiju.
Benjamin je nevidljiv, nitko i ništa. To se, međutim, iz temelja mijenja kad upozna karizmatičnog Maxa. Iako su njih dvojica naizgled potpuno različiti, spaja ih zajednički interes: hakiranje. Benjamin i Max s nekoliko Maxovih prijatelja osnivaju subverzivnu hakersku grupu CLAY, koja u svojim zabavnim akcijama odražava duh jedne cijele generacije. Benjamin je prvi put u životu dio nečega. Ali zabava postaje ozbiljna kad grupa završi na tjeralicama Saveznog ureda za kriminal i Europola…
Njemačka 2015., 105 min., u boji
Režija: Lars Kraume
Scenarij: Lars Kraume, Olivier Guez
Uloge: Burghardt Klaußner, Ronald Zehrfeld, Sebastian Blomberg
Nagrade: Njemačka filmska nagrada 2016. za najbolji film, najbolji scenarij, najbolju režiju, najbolju mušku sporednu ulogu, najbolju scenografiju, najbolju kostimografiju
Njemačka 1957. godine. Dok mlada Njemačka Republika želi što prije ostaviti za sobom svoju nacističku prošlost, frankfurtski državni odvjetnik Fritz Bauer neumorno se bori za to da se nacističke zločince izvede pred sud u vlastitoj zemlji. Kada dobije informaciju o tome gdje se navodno skriva nekadašnji SS-ovac Adolf Eichmann, ubrzo se stvara otpor sve do najviših političkih i društvenih krugova. Ovo je film o državnom odvjetniku bez kojeg nikada ne bi bilo suđenja ratnim zločincima iz Auschwitza u poslijeratnoj Njemačkoj.
Njemačka 2014., 95 min., u boji
Režija: Christian Zübert
Scenarij: Ariane Schröder, Christian Zübert
Uloge: Florian David Fitz, Julia Koschitz, Jürgen Vogel
Nagrade: Njemački zavod za film i medije ocijenio je film „osobito vrijednim“.
Kada Hannes svojim prijateljima predloži Belgiju kao cilj iduće zajedničke biciklističke ture, nitko od njih nije osobito oduševljen. On im, međutim, nakon određenog vremena otkriva razlog svojega izbora: Hannes je neizlječivo bolestan, a zakon o eutanaziji u Belgiji je liberalan, tako da će ova biciklistička tura zapravo biti njegovo posljednje putovanje u životu. Prijatelji su u šoku, ali ne mogu promijeniti Hannesov plan. Grupa stoga kreće na put, na kojem će saznati mnogo životu i o tome koliko život zapravo vrijedi…
4 KRALJA 4 Könige
Njemačka 2015., 99 min., u boji
Režija: Theresa von Eltz
Scenarij: Esther Bernstorff, Theresa von Eltz
Uloge: Moritz Leu, Jannis Niewöhner, Jella Haase, Paula Beer
Nagrade: Njemačka nagrada za film 2016. – bronca, Jella Haase („Die Kriegerin“,
„Lollipop Monster“, „Fack ju Göhte“) je na Berlinalu 2016. osvojila Rising Star Award, a Paula Beer je u 2016. u Veneciji proglašena najboljom mladom glumicom („Frantz“).
Film „4 kralja” potresna je drama o četvero pametnih, povrijeđenih mladih ljudi, koji božićne blagdane moraju provesti na psihijatrijskom odjelu za mlade. Suočeni jedni s drugima, sami sa sobom i s nekonvencionalnim mladim psihijatrom, doživjet će Božić koji neće zaboraviti do kraja života…
Njemačka / Kosovo / Makedonija / Francuska 2015., 104 min., u boji
Režija i scenarij: Visar Morina
Uloge: Val Maloku, Astrit Kabashi, Adriana Matoshi, Xhevedet Jashari
Nagrade: Dobitnik nagrade za režiju, scenarij i glumu (uloge oca i sina) u kategoriji „Novo njemačko kino“ na Filmskom festivalu u Münchenu 2015.
Predratno Kosovo 90-ih: Gezim pod svaku cijenu želi otići u Njemačku, čak i ako to znači da će svojeg desetogodišnjeg sina Norija morati ostaviti kod rodbine. Nakon što poslije nekoliko pokušaja napokon uspije, njegov sin Nori bježi i kreće na dugo i opasno putovanje ocu, u Njemačku. Ali ponovni susret neće proteći onako kako su Gezim i Nori očekivali…FILMS ON THE ROAD IN OSIJEK!
Kino Urania & Kinematografi Osijek
Goethe-Institut Film Program
30.10. Who am I – No system is sure Who Am I – Kein System ist sicher
6.11. Father
20.11. Great final HIN UND WEG
27.11. The state against Fritza Bauera Der Staat gegen Fritz Bauer
30.11. Four Kings 4 Könige
Beginning in September 2017, the Goethe-Institut Kroatien sends for the first time a trip to Croatian cities for the selection of the most important and best German films and co-productions. Films on the Road include films shown at Berlinale and winners of the prestigious German Film Prize. Apart from Čakovec, the films will be featured in Split, Osijek, Koprivnica and Rijeka. Termini kasnije.
„Movies on the Road“ are a project of the Goethe-Institut Kroatien in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Film Department in Munich, as well as the Goethe-Institutes in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Who Am I – Kein System ist sicher
Germany 2014, 106 min., Color
Director: Baran will be Odar
Script: Baran will be Odar, Jantje Friese
Cast: Tom Schilling, Elyas M’Barek, Wotan Wilke Möhring
Awards: German Film Award 2015 for Best Setting and Best Set Design; Bavarian Film Award 2015 for Best Director.
Benjamin is invisible, none and nothing. This, however, changes from the foundations when he realizes the charismatic Max. Although the two seem to be completely different, they are joined by a common interest: hacking. Benjamin and Max with a few Max’s friends set up a subversive hacker group CLAY, which in its fun actions reflects the spirit of an entire generation. Benjamin is the first time in life to be part of something. But the entertainment becomes serious when the group finishes on the guilds of the Federal Criminal Office and Europol …
Germany 2015., 105 min., Color
Directed by: Lars Kraume
Script: Lars Kraume, Olivier Guez
Cast: Burghardt Klausner, Ronald Zehrfeld, Sebastian Blomberg
Awards: German Film Award 2016 for Best Film, Best Screenplay, Best Direction, Best Male Supporting Feature, Best Set Design, Best Costimography
Germany 1957. While the young German Republic wants to leave behind its Nazi past as soon as possible, Frankfurt State Attorney Fritz Bauer tirelessly fights for Nazi criminals to be brought to justice in their own country. When he receives information about where allegedly hiding former SS Adolf Eichmann, resistance is rapidly emerging all the way to the highest political and social circles. This is a State Attorney’s film without which there would never be a trial of war criminals from Auschwitz in postwar Germany.
Germany 2014, 95 min., Color
Directed by: Christian Zübert
Script: Ariane Schröder, Christian Zübert
Cast: Florian David Fitz, Julia Koschitz, Jürgen Vogel
Awards: The German Film and Media Institute rated the film as „particularly valuable“.
When Hannes proposes to Belgium his friends for the next joint biking tour, none of them is particularly thrilled. He, however, after a certain period of time reveals the reason for his choice: Hannes is incurably ill, and the law on euthanasia in Belgium is liberal, so this bike tour will in fact be his last journey in life. Friends are in shock, but I can not change Hannes’s plan. The group therefore moves on the road, where it will learn a lot of life and how much life actually is worth …
4 KRALJA 4 Könige
Germany 2015., 99 min., Color
Director: Theresa von Eltz
Script: Esther Bernstorff, Theresa von Eltz
Cast: Moritz Leu, Jannis Niewöhner, Jella Haase, Paula Beer
Awards: German Film Award 2016 – Bronze, Jella Haase („Die Kriegerin“, “
„Lollipop Monster“, „Fack ju Göhte“) won the Rising Star Award in Berlin in 2016, and Paula Beer was named the best young actress („Frantz“) in Venice in 2016.
The film „4 Kings“ is a shaky drama about four smart, injured young people who have to spend Christmas holidays at the psychiatric department for the young. Faced with each other, with themselves and with an unconventional young psychiatrist, Christmas will be experienced that will not forget the rest of their lives …
Germany / Kosovo / Macedonia / France 2015., 104 min., Color
Director and script: Visar Morina
Cast: Val Maloku, Astrit Kabashi, Adriana Matoshi, Xhevedet Jashari
Awards: Award for directing, screenplay and acting (father and son roles) in the category of „New German cinema“ at the Munich Film Festival 2015
Pre-war Kosovo in the 90’s: Gezim, at any price, wants to go to Germany, even if it means that he will have to leave his 10-year-old son, Norri, with his relatives. After several attempts after a few attempts, his son Nori escapes and moves on a long and dangerous trip to his father, in Germany. But the resumption will not go as Gezim and Nori expected …