Belgrade Art Show festival organizuje još jednu promociju knjiga mlade spisateljice Slavice Milošević, koja je 1992 godište i izdala je do sad čak 7 knjiga, i to u maloj sali opštine Stari grad na 1 spratu, a koja opština se nalazi u samom centru grada, u ul. Makedonska 42.
Osnivač Belgrade Art Show-a Pavle Knežević, inače dorćolac, je učestvovao u mnogim projektima opštine Stari grad i bio član delegacije mladih iz Beograda na evropskim putovanjima a preko ove opštine.
‘Prepoznao sam kvalitet rada i podrške koju mladima daje opštna Starog grada a na čijem čelu su sjajni Čuvari Starog grada, i Belgrade Art Show kao festival mladih talenata se raduje daljoj uspešnoj saradnji!’ rekao je Knežević.
Održaće se promocija knjiga medijatorske forme, gde će kroz razgovor sa autorkom Milošević Slavicom poštovani gosti saznati nešto više o inspiraciji, radu na čak 7 knjiga, kao i o svakom izdatom umetničkom delu ponaosob.
Belgrade Art Show daje reč i sjajnoj umetnici Alexandri Lahougue Gruden, koja će dati svoje tumačenje dela autorke, i učiniti osvrt na umetničku saradnju sa spisateljicom.
Škola mjuzikla Eudven će otpevati par fenomenalnih numera.
Pored autorkinih knjiga koje će naravno biti prodavane po promotivnim cenama biće izložen i nakit izraelske umetnice Galije Elal – earon koja takođe pravi i mozaike.
Belgrade Art Show takođe poziva zainteresovane umetnike i ljubitelje umetnosti da uzmu učešće i razgovaraju na teme koje autorka dotiče u svom radu..ljubav..tragedija..k
Cenjenoj publici će biti predstavljeno 5 autorskih dela književnice Slavice Milošević i to
‘Neka me uteši nebo’, ‘Sve je rečeno, Ameli’, ‘Ti, Ja i Prever’,
‘Kad karijatide plaču’
kao i najnovije književno delo ‘Kajanje za poneti’!
Njen literalni opus karakteriše esejistika, poezija u prozi, poezija, mikro eseji, kolažiranje i intertekstualnost.
Poštovani gosti, piće je obezbeđeno and free, kao i ulaz 😀
Vidimo se 4 Decembra u 20h u maloj sali opštine Stari grad na promociji knjiga pisca Slavice Milošević.
Belgrade Art Show Festival organizes another promotion of the book by young writer Slavica Milosevic, which was 1992 and published up to now 7 books, in the small hall of the Municipality of Stari grad on the 1st floor, which is located in the city center, in ul. Makedonska 42.
The founder of the Belgrade Art Show Pavle Knežević, a dorcolac, participated in many projects of the Municipality of Stari grad and was a member of the youth delegation from Belgrade on European travels and through this municipality.
„I recognized the quality of work and support that young people are giving to the Old Town of Stari Grad, and at the head of which are the great Old Town Guardians, and Belgrade Art Show as a festival of young talents looks forward to further successful cooperation!“ Knezevic said.
There will be promotion of books of mediator form, where, through a conversation with author Milošević Slavica, the guests will learn more about inspiration, work on as many as 7 books, as well as about every art work that has been issued separately.
Belgrade Art Show gives a word to the great artist Alexandri Lahougue Gruden, who will give his interpretation of the work of the author, and make a reflection on artistic cooperation with the writer.
The school of musical Euden will sing a number of phenomenal tracks.
In addition to the author’s books, which will of course be sold at promotional prices, jewelry by Israeli artist Galia Elal – earon who also makes mosaics will also be exhibited.
The Belgrade Art Show also invites interested artists and art lovers to take part and discuss the topics that the author touches in their work, as well as on the themes of literature, the position of artists in Serbia, publishing and other issues which follow the art of written words.
To the esteemed audience will be presented 5 author works of the writer Slavica Milošević and that
‘May Heaven comfort me’, ‘Everything is said, Amelie,’ You, Me and Prever ‘,
‘When cariads cry’
as well as the latest literary work ‘Hype to Take’!
Her literary opus is characterized by essay writing, poetry in prose, poetry, micro essays, collage and intertextuality.
Dear guests, the drink is provided and free, as well as the entrance: D
We will see you on December 4 at 08 pm in the small hall of Stari Grad municipality on the promotion of books by writer Slavica Milosevic.