Red Hot Chili Peppers veče! u Bife Ventil
Projekcija na zidu: Live at Slane Castle (2003)
Prvi put puštamo jedan koncert. I to jedan od najboljih. Koncert Pepersa u Irskoj.
Pre svega slušamo ali i gledamo kako to zvuči kada Flea, Frusciante, Smith i Kiedis nestupaju uživo. Sa dosta improvizacije i džema.
Posle projekcije veče nastavljamo uz muziku Ljutih papričica iz karijere koja traje 35 dugih godina.
Ponedeljak od 19h
Red Hot Chili Peppers Night! at Bife Ventil
Screening on the Wall: Live at Slane Castle (2003)
For the first time we play one concert. And that’s one of the best. Peppers concert in Ireland.
First of all, we’re listening and watching how it sounds when Flea, Frusciante, Smith and Kiedis are not live. With plenty of improvisation and jam.
After the screening, we continue with the music of Puffy pies from the age of 35 years.
Monday of 07 pm!