Došli smo do jubilarnog 50og izdanja Retro Trance serijala.
Uzimajući u obzir da je sve ovo počelo već davne 2006. godine, zapravo je bilo mnogo više ovih žurki, na početak, gde nismo imali numerizaciju, special edition eventove koje ne računamo, gde imamo razne goste koji su obeležili trance muziku devedesetih, pa do dnevnih žurki, ovaj broj bi bio mnogo veći, ali se mi držimo ipak od prvog izdanja, kad smo počeli da brojimo, a to je bilo u Mamolo klubu, 2011.
Naravno, zahvalnost za ovaj jubilej i činjenicu što ove žurke traju ovoliko dugo, dugujemo vama, publici, zbog koje i postojimo.
Već u decembru slavimo i 11 godina postojanja i u goste nam dolazi MIRANDA.
Ranije ovog meseca smo ugostili nezaboravni BLUE PLANET CORPORATION.
Sledeće godina vas ocekuje još gostiju i naravno još redovnog retro trance serijala.
Pratite našu Retro Trance stranicu i zvaničnu Retro Trance (1992-2002)gupu, da bi bili u toku sa budućim eventovima.
Muzičke želje su dobrodošle, samo se držite godine iz okvira 1992-2002.
Hvala i vidimo se na retru u Kinky klubu!
Line up:
> Filip Nikolaevic (USB / Magnetik)
> Marko Ilić (USB / Mars Flowers)
> Mića (USB / Mars Flowers)
do ponoći: 200din
od ponoći: 300dinWe came to the jubilee 50th edition of the Retro Trance series.
Considering that all this started already in 2006, there were in fact many more of these parties, at the beginning, where we did not have the numbering, special edition events that we do not count, where we have various guests who marked the trance music of the nineties, until daily parties, this number would be much higher, but we are still holding it since the first edition, when we started counting, which was in the Mamolo Club, 2011.
Of course, thank you for this jubilee and the fact that these parties last for so long, we owe you, the audience, for which we exist.
Already in December, we celebrate 11 years of existence and MIRANDA comes to our guests.
Earlier this month we hosted an unforgettable BLUE PLANET CORPORATION.
Next year, you will be expecting more guests and, of course, a regular retro trance series.
Follow our Retro Trance page and the official Retro Trance (1992-2002) guppy to keep up with future events.
Music wishes are welcome, just stick to the years from 1992-2002.
Thank you and see you at retro in Kinky club!
Line up:
> Filip Nikolaevic (USB / Magnetik)
> Marko Ilic (USB / Mars Flowers)
> Mica (USB / Mars Flowers)
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until midnight: 200din
after midnight: 300din