Posle prošlogodišnje meteorske kiše bukinga od kojih je svima zastajao dah, Blender je pripremio novo iznenađenje.
Sa ponosom vam predstavljamo ime nakon čijeg najavljivanja ostaje samo pozitivan muk, Beograd će konačno 15. juna u Rovu kod Vojnog muzeja na Kalemegdanu imati priliku da čuje velikog Ricardo Villalobosa.
Ricardo Villalobos rođen je 1970. godine u Čileu i nakon tri godine, zajedno sa porodicom seli se za Berlin, gde i danas živi. Sa svojih 10, 11 godina počeo je da svira kongo i bongo. Iako je mnogo voleo muziku, sebe nije video kao ozbiljnog muzičara. Od malih nogu bio je veliki fan Depeche Mode-a, prateći ih po njihovim evropskim turnejama. Krajem osamdesetih kreće da se bavi elektronskom muzikom. Inspiriše ga zvuk benda Depeche Mode, ali i drugih artista poput Daniel-a Miller-a, Thomas-a Melchior-a, Baby Ford, Daniel-a Bell-a i Andrew-a Weatherall-a, kao i ritmična muzika Južne Amerike. Di-džejingom Ricardo je počeo da se bavi za vreme studija, iz ličnog zadovoljstva. Osnovao je svoj prvi lejbl „Placid Flavour“ 1993. godine, koji je doživeo neuspeh. Prvu ploču izdao je za nemačku izdavačku kuću „Playhouse“ 1994. godine, dok di-džejingom profesionalno počinje da se bavi 1998. godine.
Danas je Ricardo Villalobos globalno poznat po svom specifičnom zvuku i važi za pravog majstora minimal techno i micro house pravca.
Karte u prodaji od 14. marta putem mreže Eventim Serbia i GIGS TIX.
We are proud to present you the name after whose announcement remains only a positive mood, Belgrade will finally have a chance to hear the great Ricardo Villalobos at the Military Museum in Kalemegdan, on June 15 .
Ricardo Villalobos was born in 1970 in Chile and after three years, together with his family, he moves to Berlin, where he still lives. With his 10, 11 years he started playing congo and bongo. Although he loved music much, he did not see himself as a serious musician. He was a big fan of Depeche Mode from his early days, following them after their European tour. At the end of the eighties he started to deal with electronic music. It is inspired by the sound of the band Depeche Mode, but also by other artists such as Daniel Miller, Thomas Melchior, Baby Ford, Daniel Bell and Andrew Weatherall, as well as the rhythmic music of South America. DiCeing Ricardo began to study during his studies, from personal satisfaction. He founded his first label „Placid Flavor“ in 1993, which experienced failure. He released the first record for the 1994 „Playhouse“ German publishing house, while di-jazz is professionally engaged in 1998.
Today, Ricardo Villalobos is globally known for his specific sound and is considered to be the real masters of minimal techno and micro house direction.
Tickets on sale from March 14 through the network of Eventim Serbia and GIGS TIX.