EXIT FEST, Novi Sad, 6-9 jul 2017

EXIT FEST, Novi Sad, 6-9 jul 2017
Petrovaradinska tvrdjava, Novi Sad, Srbija
06.Jul.2017 - 09.Jul.2017
Novi SadSrbija

Tokom ove godine, EXIT obeležava događaje iz 1967. kada je nastao revolucionarni hipi pokret koji je zauvek promenio svet, a i ostala tri festivala Sea Dance, Sea Star i Revolution slave 50 godina od čuvenog „Leta ljubavi“ (Summer of Love).
EXIT Leto ljubavi počinje sa novim festivalskim biserom Mediterana na hrvatskoj obali koja se već nekoliko godina nalazi na svetskim listama obaveznih letnjih destinacija. Prvo izdanje Sea Star festivala u Umagu održaće se 26. i 27. maja u turističkom kompleksu Stella Maris, gde će predstaviti neka od najznačajnijih imena svetske i regionalne muzičke scene na šest različitih bina. Posetioce očekuje i žurka zagrevanja u četvrtak 25. maja, kao i after za najizdržljivije u nedelju, 28. maja!
Sledeće poglavlje ovog festivalskog leta jeste Revolution festival koji se održava od 1. do 3. juna u bajkovitom rumunskom gradiću Temišvaru, koji je sa Novim Sadom proglašen za Evropsku prestonicu kulture 2021. Revolution je ove godine “pokupio” čak dve nominacije Evropskih festivalskih nagrada u kategoriji najboljeg novog evropskog festivala, ali i najboljeg malog festivala!

Nakon sjajnih Sea Star i Revolution festivala, zvanično počinje velika EXIT Avantura! Ovaj jedinstven paket festivalskog letovanja uključuje dva višestruko nagrađivana i uzastopna festivala, na dve spektakularne lokacije, u dve susedne države, od kolosalne tvrđave do najlepše evropske plaže. Paket uključuje mogućnost letovanja od preko 10 dana uz brojne opcije za smeštaj, putovanje i ulaznicu za dva uzastopna festivala na kojima nastupaju neke od najvećih muzičkih zvezda današnjice!
Avantura kreće iz Novog Sada, sa magične Petrovaradinske tvrđave, na kojoj se održava svetski priznat EXIT festival gde tokom četiri dana i noći (6-9. jula 2017) nastupi preko 500 izvođača! EXIT je priznat kao jedan od najvažnijih svetskih festivala sa jedinstvenom atmosferom koja isijava iz zidova jedne od najvećih tvrđava u Evropi.
Posle neprestane zabave u kampu, smeštenom na najvećoj peščanoj plaži na Dunavu i na preko 30 festivalskih zona i muzičkih bina raspoređenih u brojnim rovovima, do kojih se stiže putem tunela, mostova i puteva širom magične tvrđave, EXIT festival se zatvara uz svetski poznat izlazak sunca na Dance Areni, posle čega Avantura kreće dalje na jug sve do morske obale susedne Crne Gore!
Sea Dance festival (13-15. jul 2017) se nalazi na biseru jadranske obale, koju je čuveni turistički magazin Lonely Planet proglasio za Najlepšu plažu Evrope u 2015. godini. Tirkizna uvala duga je par kilometara, i smeštena u blizini istorijskog grada Budve, danas jednog od najvećih turističkih centara u regionu. Na dodeli Evropskih festivalskih nagrada za 2014. godinu, morsko poglavlje Exit Avanture proglašeno je za pobednika u kategoriji najboljih evropskih festivala do 40.000 posetilaca i time se Sea Dance Festival pridružio EXIT festivalu koji je osvojio glavnu nagradu za Najbolji evropski festival za 2013. godinu i svake je godine među finalistima u glavnoj kategoriji najboljih evropskih festivala!
Kampovi EXIT Leta ljubavi se nalaze na peščanim plažama, a festivalsko letovanje u njima iskustvo je koje ostaje za ceo život! Na istoj lokaciji kao sam festival, posetioci Sea Star festivala će moći da uživaju u kompleksu Stella Maris, dok se EXIT Village nalazi na obali Dunava i čuvenoj peščanoj plaži Štrand, koju mnogi nazivaju dunavskom Kopakabanom, dok je Sea Dance Village na obali mora, svega 50m od mora, smešten u srcu festivala!EXIT SUMMER OF LOVE 2017:

This year EXIT Festival will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love. In 2017, EXIT will mark some of the most important events from 1967 when the revolutionary Peace Movement began and changed the world forever. Celebrating the Summer of Love, EXIT presents 4 festivals in 4 different countries in the region!
Starting things off for the EXIT Summer of Love 2017 is Sea Star, a new festival in Umag held from 26-27 May at the Stella Maris resort! First announced acts include of the most popular global bands – The Prodigy, with the local favourites Dubioza kolektiv and Croatian hosts Urban&4. But that’s not all – the event kicks of on the 25th of May with a warm-up party and festivalgoers will also have an afterparty on the 28th of May to close this chapter of EXIT Summer of Love.

The next chapter in the EXIT’s Summer of Love 2017 is the Revolution Festival that takes place from 1-3 June in the charming Romanian town of Timisoara. This event was nominated by the European Festival Awards 2016 in two categories, for the Best New Festival and Best Small Festival!

Finally, EXIT Summer of Love 2017 presents EXIT Adventure, two festivals, at two spectacular locations, a one-of-a-kind summer festival experience!
What is EXIT Adventure?
EXIT Festival, combined with its seaside sister Sea Dance Festival, makes for a world’s most unique festival package which has become the best festival holiday on the planet that spans over 10 days! This amazing package combines two award-winning festivals at two spectacular locations in two neighbouring countries, which proved to be a successful formula that attracts over 270.000 people each year! They travel from more than 60 countries to the magical Petrovaradin Fortress in Serbia, then continue their Adventure to the turquoise sandy beaches in Montenegro.
Which awards have EXIT Adventure festivals won?
European Festival Awards is the leading honour among music festivals, decided each year by a combination of more than million public votes and dozens of leading music industry jury members. EXIT won the Best Major Festival Award for 2013, making it to final top 10 in eight consecutive years, while Sea Dance won the Best Medium-Sized Festival title for 2014.
EXIT’s Petrovaradin Fortress is the biggest of its kind in Europe, set in the charming city of Novi Sad, the European Capital of Culture in 2021 and European Youth Capital 2019! the EXIT camp is situated on the beautiful city beach on Danube. Sea Dance’s Jaz is officially the best European beach according to leading tourist guide Lonely Planet and the camp is located right next to the festival’s site! EXIT’s new addition Sea Star is set at the gorgeous Adriatic Stella Maris resort, so all three camps offer beautiful sandy beaches and endless summer fun! In comparison, Revolution takes place at the mystic woods of Village Museum in the beautiful Romanian town of Timisoara, the European Capital of Culture for 2021!
EXIT Summer of Love festivals will present a perfect combo od live and electronic acts, the mixture of various music genres, from famous rock and pop to cutting edge techno acts, all the way to stages dedicated to metal, punk, hard-core, reggae and experimetal music. Such diverse program is possible due to EXIT’s 30+ stages and festival zones each year spread across colossal moats throughout the fortress, hosting thousands of diverse artists! Sea Dance and Sea Star are not far behind with 6 stages located at some of the most beautiful beaches in Europe, while Revolution boasts charming little stages with attractive local and popular artists. World famous EXIT Dance Arena is popular among visitors, as well as artists, for its epic sunrise sets and monumental parties.


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