ŠećeЯ live / Tene Rank, 19.11.2017. Kvaka 22

ŠećeЯ live / Tene Rank, 19.11.2017. Kvaka 22
Ruzveltova 39, Beograd

ŠećeЯ live / Tene Rank, 19.11.2017. Kvaka 22

Šećer je droga, bijeg i utjeha. Uz to je i solo projekt Tene Rak, Varaždinke sa srcem po cijelom Balkanu i snovima u noćnom nebu.

Svoj prvi singl sa videospotom pod nazivom “Reci, reci mi“ izbacuje krajem 2016. godine, a nakon još dva proljetna singla u 2017. izbacuje album naziva Varijacije na Tugu, snimljen po zagrebačkim kućnim studijima i dovršen u vlastitoj produkciji. Prve koncerte izvodi na ljeto 2017. daleko od rodnog kraja, u bugarskom Plovdivu te u alternativnim klubovima Novog Sada i Beograda, a pred domaćom publikom se predstavlja van službenog programa 6. Tam Tam festivala u Sućurju na Hvaru. Po završetku ljeta uslijedila su gostovanja na još dva domaća festivala, ,,Sedam dana stvaranja“ u Pazinu te FIUK-u u Koprivnici, a početkom jeseni zavičajna gostovanja u Kostanju i Novom Marofu.

ŠećeЯ je dobro ostaviti za kraj jer nikog ne ostavlja ravnodušnim, iako je nakon toga potrebno popiti malo vode.


Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/shaicher.hr/

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OTeu7x584oSugar / Tene Rank, 19.11.2017. Kvaka 22

Sugar is a drug, escape, and comfort. In addition, this is the solo project Tene Rak, Varaždinke with hearts throughout the Balkans and dreams in the night sky.

She casts her first single with a video called „Say, Tell Me“ in late 2016, and after two more spring singles in 2017, she casts an album titled Variations on Tug, filmed at Zagreb’s home studio and completed in her own production. The first concerts take place in the summer of 2017, far from their native region, in Bulgaria’s Plovdiv and in the alternative clubs of Novi Sad and Belgrade, and before the domestic audience, they are out of the official program 6. Tam Tam festival in Sucuraj, Hvar. At the end of the summer, guest appearances were held at two other domestic festivals, „Seven Days of Creation“ in Pazin and FIUK in Koprivnica, and in early autumn, guestings in Kostanje and Novo Marof.

It’s a good thing to leave the sugar to the end because it does not leave anyone indifferent, although after that it is necessary to drink some water.


Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/shaicher.hr/


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