Nakon niza uspešnih koncerata u beogradskom Sava Centru, zagrebačkom Lisinskom, turneje po Kanadi, Holandiji, Francuskoj, Sloveniji, Bosni i Hercegovini, Makedoniji i drugim zemljama, koncertna promocija njihovog aktuelnog albuma “Ljubav na dar” održaće se i u Novom Sadu.
Pored dobro poznatih hitova kao što su “Ich liebe dich”, “Menjam dane” , “Štiklice”, “Ljubav na dar”, Frajle su pripremile i pravu poslasticu za sve ljubitelje obrada. Pripreme za koncert su uveliko u toku, a posetiocima je zagarantovan dobar provod i puno smeha obzirom da Frajle tokom svojih koncerata sa publikom dele i najzanimljivije anegdote sa putovanja.
“Jako se radujemo koncertu kod kuće. Ti koncerti su za nas uvek posebni, a prisutna je i doza pozitivne treme. Obećavamo jednu veliku žurku na Spensu tako da savetujemo udobnu obuću za đuskanje, a mi ćemo se pobrinuti da to bude veče za pamćenje”- poručuju su Frajle.
Koncert je zakazan za 19.4.2018.
Ulaznice po ceni 1400, 1600 i 1800 mogu se kupiti putem prodajne meže Eventima.After a series of successful concerts in the Belgrade Sava Center, Zagreb Lisinski, tour of Canada, the Netherlands, France, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and other countries, the concert promotion of their current album „Love on the Gift“ will take place in Novi Sad.
In addition to well-known hits such as „Ich liebe dich“, „Changing the Days“, „Štiklice“, „Love for a Gift“, Frajle also prepared a real treat for all lovers of processing. Preparations for the concert are in progress, and visitors are guaranteed a good time and a lot of laughter, since Frejle during their concerts with the audience shares the most interesting anecdotes from the trip.
„We look forward to a concert at home. These concerts are always special for us, and the dose of positive stance is also present. We promise to have one big party on Spence, so we recommend comfortable shoes for snooping, and we will make sure that it is a night of memory „- said Frejle.
The concert is scheduled for 19.4.2018.
Tickets at the price of 1400, 1600 and 1800 can be purchased through the Eventim Event Center.