Serija crteža KOTRLJANJE / ROLLING nastala je posle dugog putovanja autorke, a predstavljaju refleksiju na život savremene žene danas.
“Moj kreativni proces se razvija pod uticajem savremenog društva – fokusiram se na čovečje otuđenje od emocija, stvarnog i nestvarnog. Želim da naglasim, podstaknem i podsetim na davno zaboravljene vrednosti koje su ljudi nekad imali: opažanje, čekanje, posmatranje, priznanje postojanja ranjivosti ljudske prirode.” – Lara Popović
– Izložba je prodajnog karaktera.
Lara Popović je kostimografkinja i vizuelna umetnica. Rođena je 1991. godine u Beogradu.
Diplomirala je 2013. godine na modulu Savremeno odevanje i završila master studije Scenskog kostima na Fakultetu primenjenih umetnosti u Beogradu. Larin master rad Interakcija kostima, iluminacije i zvuka u video-radu Okean more doneo joj je nagradu ULUPUDS-a. Svoj rad kontinuirano predstavlja na izložbama u zemlji i inostranstvu.
Kao kostimografkinja radila je nekoliko predstava za decu u Omladinskom pozorištu Dadov, a od profesionalnih predstava izdvaja Buzdovan u režiji Predraga Stojmenovića u Kruševačkom pozorištu.
Kao asistentkinja kostimografa angažovana je na više filmskih i pozorišnih projekata.
Voli da se usavršava i stiče nove veštine i kompetencije te često učestvuje na domaćim i međunarodnim projektima.The series of drawing / ROLLING came about after a long journey of authors, and they represent a reflection on the life of a modern woman today.
„My creative process is developing under the influence of contemporary society – I focus on the human being’s alienation of emotions, real and unreal. I want to emphasize, stimulate and remind of the long forgotten values that people once had: observation, waiting, observation, recognition of the vulnerability of human nature. „- Lara Popović
– The exhibition is of a sales character.
Lara Popović is a costume designer and visual artist. Born in 1991 in Belgrade.
She graduated in 2013 at the Contemporary Exercise Module and completed her master’s degree at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade. Larin’s masterwork The costume, illumination and sound interaction in the Oceans Sea video work has done her ULUPUDS award. Her work is continually represented at exhibitions in the country and abroad.
As a costume designer, she has performed several performances for children at the Youth Theater Dadov, and Buzdovan is directed by professional performers directed by Predrag Stojmenović in Kruševac Theater.
As an assistant costume designer, he has been involved in several film and theater projects.
Lives to be trained and acquired new skills and competences and often participates in domestic and international projects.