UTIHNULI STRAH 04 – 11.01.2018. Magacin

UTIHNULI STRAH 04 – 11.01.2018. Magacin
Karadjordjeva 2-4, Beograd
04.Jan.2018 - 11.Jan.2018

Prostor kupatila povezujem sa kutijom, jednim ambijentom koji nas zatvara, pritiska, koji je samo nas i intiman. U njemu smo često sami, sa svim svojim borbama i strahovima. Naša tela su gola a misli bučne. Ljudsku figuru ubacujem kao poruku i kao prikaz nekog ko je postojao. Delovi tela ostaju goli, beli, modri i suplji. Želja je bila da pokušam na taj način prikazati nekakve ostatke, kao neku čauru koja je ostala posle života. Ostatke tela postavljam na mesta koja sam planski birala. Mesta na kojima sam i sama stajala, sećanja koja su me pratila.

Izložba Master rada u Magacinu, odsek keramika. Profesor -mentor Lana TikvešaI connect the bathroom space with a box, one ambience that closes us, pressure, which is only us and intimate. In it we are often alone, with all our struggles and fears. Our bodies are naked and the thoughts are noisy. I insert the human figure as a message and as a representation of someone who existed. Parts of the body remain naked, white, blue and sapphire. The desire was to try to show some of the remains as a kind of ostrich that remained after life. I put the remains of the body in the places I have chosen. Places where I stood alone, the memories that followed me.

Exhibition of Master work at Magacin, section of ceramics. Professor – Lana Tikveš


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