MAŽOREKINJE, KLOVNOVI, ŽONGLERI… Veliki uskršnji karneval za vikend na Tašmajdan
Mažoretkinje, klovnovi, žongleri, pantomimičari i ove godine će se naći na Velikom uskršnjem karnevalu koji će se održati u Tašmajdanskom parku u subotu i nedelju, 7. i 8. aprila, u organizaciji opštine Palilula.
Karneval nastao u saradnji sa „Beogradskim manifestom“ će kreativnim i maštovitim idejama obuhvatiti najrazličitija intresovanja i pružiti zabavu za sve uzraste, navode u opštini.
– Posetioci će za najradosniji hrišćanski praznik biti u prilici da uživaju u besplatnom celodnevnom programu uskršnjeg karnevala koji je simbolično smešten u neposrednoj blizini jednog od najlepših pravoslavnih hramova, Crkve Svetog Marka – kaže predsednik opštine Aleksandar Jovičić.
Jovičić navodi i da manifestacija ima za cilj promociju porodičnih vrednosti i isticanje takmičarskog duha, ali i razvijanje osećaja društvene odgovornosti kod najmlađih.
Karneval će, kako najavljuju organizatori, obeležiti brojni muzički i plesni nastupi, a pravu karnevalsku atmosferu dočaraće nastupi perkusionista, mažoretkinja, karnevalskih trupa, uličnih zabavljača (štulaši, žongleri, klovnovi, pantomimičari) dok mališane očekuju celodnevne kreativne radionice, jahanje konja, bioskop na otvorenom i još mnogo toga.
Nezavisno od uzrasta, svi su dobrodošli da se prijave za tradicionalno nadmetanju u tucanju jajima, dok će najbrži mališan u trci beba i ove godine osvojiti nova kolica za prolećnu šetnju, dodao je Jovičić.
U saradnji sa osnovnim školama sa područja Palilule pokrenuta je velika društveno odgovorna akcija u koju su uključena deca svih nižih razreda.
Mališani će se takmičiti u posebnim takmičarskim disciplinama izbor za najlepše oslikano jaje i izbor najlepše ukrašene uskršnje korpe.
Rukotvorine malih majstora koje budu najuspešnije po proceni žirija biće izložene na karnevalu gde će posetioci imati prilike da prilaganjem donacije, koju budu smatrali adekvatnom, postanu vlasnici nekog oslikanog jaja ili uskšnje korpe po izboru.
Prikupljeni novac otići će u humanitarne svrhe fondu kom je pobednik namenio sredstva.
Great Easter Carnival for the weekend at Tašmajdan
Highlanders, clowns, jugglers, and pantomime will also be at the Great Easter Carnival that will be held in Tašmajdanski Park on Saturday and Sunday, 7 and 8 April, organized by the Palilula Municipality.
The carnival created in cooperation with the „Belgrade Opera“ will combine creative and imaginative ideas with the most diverse engagements and provide entertainment for all ages, cited in the municipality.
– Visitors will be able to enjoy the most fun-filled Christian holiday in the free full-day program of an easter carnival that is symbolically located near one of the most beautiful Orthodox temples, St. Mark’s Church – says chairman of the municipality Aleksandar Jovičić.
Highlander on Tašmajdan
Jovicic also states that the event aims to promote family values and emphasize the competition spirit, as well as to develop a sense of social responsibility in the youngest.
Carnival will, as announced by the organizers, mark a number of musical and dance performances, and the real carnival atmosphere will be performed by performers of percussionists, majoritarians, carnival troupe, street entertainers (sticks, jugglers, clowns, pantomimers) while youngsters expect all-day creative workshops, horse riding, open air and much more.
Regardless of age, everyone is welcome to apply for a traditional contest of eating eggs, while the fastest baby in the baby race will also win this year’s new walking stroller, Jovičić added.
In cooperation with elementary schools from the Palilula area, a large socially responsible action was launched, involving children of all lower grades.
Numerous programs have been prepared for the youngest
Malaysians will compete in special competition disciplines? Choice for the most beautiful painted egg? and the choice of the finest adorned easter basket ??.
The manuscripts of the smallest masters who are most likely to be judged by the jury will be exposed at a carnival where visitors will have the opportunity to make the donation, which they consider appropriate, to become the owner of a painted egg or a shortcut to a basket of choice.
The money collected will go to the humanitarian fund for which the winner intended the funds.