VODIM TE Na AFTER | 33.10.3402 at KPTM 21.01.2018

VODIM TE Na AFTER | 33.10.3402 at KPTM 21.01.2018
Zorza Klemanosa 22, Beograd

Ove nedelje na after vas vodi 33.10.3402 jedan od najtalentovanijih artista na domaćoj elektronskoj sceni.

Ovaj intrigantni producent srpske andergraund scene potpisao je za izdavačku kuću Rona Morellia, pionira njujorškog klupskog zvuka.

Radeći pod alijasom 33.10.3402 uspeo je da zainteresuje kultni dizeldorfski lejbl KUNSTKOPF 2012. koji je izdao njegov 12″ EP i time postane deo ugledne izdavačke kuće čije se ime povezuje sa umetnicima poput Tolouse Low Trax, Lena Platos i Gordon Pohl (Musiccargo).

Godinu dana kasnije objavljuje seriju izdanja Mechnanica inspirisanih „opijumskim plesom i bordelima“ za ESP Institute. Pod svojim pravim imenom potpisao je za lejbl Prins Thomasa, Internasjonal.

Vidimo se od 5 ujutru 🙂

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VIDIMO SE!!! 🙂This week after you is leading you 33.10.3402 one of the most talented artists on the domestic electronic scene.

This intriguing producer of the Serbian andergraund scene signed for the publishing house Ron Morellia, a pioneer of New York club sound.

Working under the Alien 33.10.3402, he became interested in the cult Düsseldorf Labels KUNSTKOPF 2012, which released his 12 „EP and thus became a part of a reputable publishing house whose name links with artists such as Tolouse Low Trax, Lena Platos and Gordon Pohl (Musiccargo).

A year later he published a series of Mechnanica editions inspired by „Opium dancing and brothels“ for the ESP Institute. Under his real name, he signed for the Lakers of Prins Thomas, Internasjonal.

See you from 5 in the morning 🙂

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SEE YOU!!! 🙂


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