What the fuck are we doing here? / Beogradski irski festival 15.03.2018.Elektropionir

What the fuck are we doing here? / Beogradski irski festival 15.03.2018.Elektropionir
Cetinjska 15, Beograd
What the Fuck are we doing here?” bavi se globalnim fenomenom ,,odliva mozgova” i temelji se na nepobitnoj činjenici da se veliki broj mladih i obrazovanih ljudi svake godine odlučuje na
odlazak iz zemlje.Ova srpska produkcija ne engleskom jeziku zapravo je humoristički kabare zasnovan na ličnim ispovestima autorovog tima, te otvara teme perspektiva i očekivanja mladih ljudi u Srbiji danas:emigracije, ksenofobije, identiteta i predrasuda u srpskom društvu. Predstava je društveno angažovana a u isto vreme zabavna, i bavi se pojavom koja se ne odnosi isključivo na Srbiju, nego i celu Evropu.

Ovo je retka prilika da se iskusi zahtevan, uzbudljiv i talentovan srpski teatar na engleskom jeziku a uz to još i uživa u zabavnoj atmosferi. Spremite se!

Režija/ izvođač: Maja Maletković
Izvođač: Željko Maksimović
Izvođač/scena i kostim: Dunja Sabljić
Izvođač/dramaturg: Katarina Janković
Kompozitori: Danica Vujošević i Jovan Marić
Producent: Oleg Misirača

Ticket Price : 450 rsd
Više informacija o prodaji ulaznica – uskoro!

„What the Fuck are we doing here?“ Deals with the global phenomenon of „brain drain“ and is based on the unmistakable fact that a large number of young and educated people decide each year on
leaving the country.

This Serbian production, not an English language, is actually a humorous cabaret based on the personal confessions of the author’s team, and opens the themes of the perspective and expectations of young people in Serbia today: emigration, xenophobia, identity and prejudice in Serbian society. The performance is socially engaged and at the same time fun, and it deals with a phenomenon that does not relate exclusively to Serbia, but also to the whole of Europe.

This is a rare opportunity to experience the demanding, exciting and talented Serbian theater in English, and it also enjoys a fun atmosphere. Get ready!

Director / Performer: Maja Maletković
Performer: Željko Maksimović
Performer / scene and costume: Dunja Sabljić
Performer / dramaturg: Katarina Jankovic
Composers: Danica Vujošević and Jovan Marić
Producer: Oleg Misirača

Ticket Price: 450 rsd
More information on ticket sales – soon!


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